Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1732 Checked out the loneliness!

Chapter 1732 Checked out the loneliness!
He didn't say any more, but looked away contemptuously, still with the same contemptuous attitude, he didn't really care about a country bumpkin from outside, and then brought up the topic of Ji Nan's sudden return, with Ji Ziyin and others We discussed it.


After the banquet was over, Ji Ziyin and a small force behind him checked Qiao Nian's background.

The other forces that went to the banquet that night were also secretly looking for various connections to investigate Qiao Nian's background and identity.

If it is said that Torrey was captured by Yaomen, a small number of people in Independent Continent noticed Qiao Nian.

Then this Ji's dinner made more people in Independent Continent pay attention to an 'ordinary student' from Qing University.

But the results of their overnight investigation were almost the same as Ji Ziyin's.

Qiao Nian's identity and background were all clean and couldn't be more clean!

It is a girl who grew up around the city and was admitted to a famous school in Beijing after the college entrance examination. Her academic performance was average when she was a child, but she suddenly worked hard in her third year of high school. Yes, but one is a master of traditional Chinese medicine, the other is a master of konghou, neither of them has anything to do with black powder...

Can't find out the others.

The information they found was all about Qiao Nian's studies, including his life background. Qiao Nian didn't even have many friends around him.

"Is it really a coincidence? It's just a girl who is good at studying and read a few related books and got lucky by herself?"

Tonight is doomed to sleepless.

It has been a long time since anyone in Independent Continent has made such a big commotion, but this time the entire Independent Continent was a little shaken, and the forces of all parties began to surge under the calm.

The next day.

Joe read it early in the morning.

She didn't sleep well last night, and she hung up the wechat video with Ye Wangchuan until early in the morning. Before she went to bed, she went to the Internet to delete some information related to her.

Such as Liang Bowen, Chen Yuan and others.

For the sake of saving some people in Independent Continent stretching their hands too far, even they will not let them go, so they have to go to the bottom of it to check it out.

Master Cheng and the others also got up early in the morning. The group packed their luggage and went straight to the airport.

After Qiao Nian got on the plane, she sent a message to Ye Fanchuan, then turned off her phone, took out her eye mask and earplugs, and found a comfortable position to catch her doze off.

The plane was very stable, and they encountered almost no turbulence along the way.

Qiao Nian slept comfortably.

Ten hours later, the plane landed at the Capital International Airport.

Master Cheng and the others were getting old, and when they got off the plane, they all looked exhausted and couldn't help but said they wanted to go home first.

Jiang Zongjin wanted to go back to pack his luggage, so he asked Qiao Nian, "Nian Nian, do you want to go back?"

There is a ten-hour time difference between Independence Island and Beijing.

It should be almost evening on the Independent Continent.

It was only 11:30 noon in Beijing. The weather in October, the sky outside was clear, the breeze was blowing, and the temperature was just right, more than 20 degrees. The weather was neither too hot nor too cold, and girls wearing long-sleeved shirts and short skirts could be seen everywhere.

Qiao Nian bought a cup of coffee from the vending machine at the airport, and just opened the can when passers-by looked curiously in her direction.

She buckled down her peaked cap a little with brows and eyes, looked up and took a sip of iced coffee, then held the jar in her hand, and said in a frivolous tone: "No, I have an appointment for dinner, I want to have a meal first and then Go back."

(End of this chapter)

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