Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1733 Don't ask who your friend is

Chapter 1733 Don't ask who your friend is
"Oh." Jiang Zongjin is used to her being busier than himself, so he didn't ask who she invited to have dinner with. He raised his eyes and asked the girl with a gentle expression: "Then, do you want me to take you there? I will ride with Master Cheng and the others. Where is your place to eat, shall we take you there?"

Before Qiao Nian answered, the phone vibrated first.

She took out her mobile phone and looked down, Ye Lan's phone.

Qiao Nian didn't answer, and after hanging up the phone, news from Ye Lan came one after another.

【Ye Lan: Nian Nian, have you arrived yet?I'm waiting for you outside the airport. The license plate number is XXXX. Is your luggage heavy?Do you want me to come in and pick you up? 】

Then there was a wechat message from Mr. Ye.

Concise and concise than Ye Lan, he behaved a little more calmly.

[Old Ye: I'm at the restaurant, and Chenchen is here, he said you like spicy chicken?If you don't like any dish yet, I'll order it for you first. 】

Qiao Nian rubbed her temples, a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

She replied to Ye Lan's message first, asked Ye Lan to wait for her, and then sent a WeChat message to Old Man Ye, asking him to order a few, so that he was not hungry after eating something on the plane.

After Qiao Nian finished both ends, she took the time to say to Jiang Zongjin: "No need, Dad. My friend is waiting for me outside. I'll take her car there."

When Jiang Zongjin heard her say 'friend', he actually wanted to ask her which friend, but then remembered the few friends Qiao Nian had met in Independent Island this time, and he felt that it was better not to ask her.

In the past, there was Zhong Liuliu and Lu Zhi, but now he is a little bit overwhelmed.

But he still cared and said: "Okay then. If you go to dinner with your friends, Dad won't bother you. You can send me a message after you finish eating."

"En." Qiao Nian didn't show any impatience, she nodded with a tired but patient expression on her delicate and eye-catching face.

Jiang Zongjin frowned and smiled: "When I go back and sort out your mother's things, I will send them to you. Do you still live in the Rhine?"

Ye Wangchuan had sent him his address before, asking him to go and play.

But when he thought of the daughter he had finally found home and was taken home by outsiders before it was hot, he felt uncomfortable and never went there.

Now he is almost busy with the things at hand, and the incident in the Independent Continent this time made him realize that he is still not doing well in many aspects, so he hesitated for a while, and said: "I will send you home later. "

Qiao Nian glanced at him, nodded, and said in a hoarse voice, "Okay."

Jiang Zongjin was even happier, and took the initiative to mention: "Is Young Master Ye here? I said I would invite him to dinner, but I haven't invited him to dinner. It just so happens that the three of us will have dinner together."

Qiao Nian thought about the people who hadn't come back from far away in Independence Island, and looked at him with beautiful black eyes: "He went out on business, and he won't be back in a few days."

"That's it." Jiang Zongjin couldn't help but feel a little regretful, but he quickly shook off the little regret, and said happily in a blink of an eye: "Then next time, I will invite him next time. I want to talk to him again.”

"Okay." Qiao Nian nodded again patiently, took a sip of coffee, and threw the empty jar into the trash can next to her.

She said a few words to Jiang Zongjin, and Ye Lan called again, probably asking why she didn't go out.

It happened that Master Cheng and his car also came.

After talking to them, Qiao Nian put on her shoulder bag and went out to find Ye Lan.

(End of this chapter)

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