Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1773 The Person Even She Can't Find Out

Chapter 1773 The Person Even She Can't Find Out
He didn't pay much attention to the affairs of Beijing, so naturally he hadn't heard much about Qiao Nian.

He only knew that Ji Ziyin came to Beijing this time for one person.

He originally thought that with Ji Ziyin's family background and status, he was definitely targeting masters like Huang Lao and Master Cheng.

But from Ji Ziyin's tone, it seemed that he was targeting a young man.

"That Qiao Nian..." He Congming was quite curious about who could make Ji Ziyin care about him, and he didn't finish his sentence.

"She is related to Jiang Xianrou. I originally wanted to go to her directly, but she usually stays where she lives and rarely comes out. The neighborhood where she lives is strictly checked, and outsiders can't get in. That's why I let her Jiang Xianrou sent a message to ask her to come out."

After Ji Ziyin came to Beijing, he tried to contact Qiao Nian, but Qiao Nian's cell phone seemed to be equipped with anti-harassment software, and he couldn't make calls to unfamiliar numbers.

She also thought about finding someone Qiao Nian knew to pass on the message.

But after thinking about it, forget it.

With her status here, being able to make a special trip to the capital is already a matter of condescension. If she contacts the other party through an intermediary and tells the other party that she wants to meet, it will be somewhat inferior.

Just in time to hear He Congming mention Jiang Xianrou's matter, and she had investigated Qiao Nian's relationship, she thought of asking Jiang Xianrou to tell her family that she wanted to see Qiao Nian.

In this way, she will not lose face.

"As for the special thing you said..." Ji Ziyin smiled, looked at him with sharp eyes, and said lightly: "I also want to know what is so special about her. Anyway, at this stage, this person is pretty good. I'm confused. She is like a cloud of fog, and even I can't find all her information."

For example, this time, she didn't find out that Qiao Nian was a seller of small pills on the black market.

If it weren't for such a big commotion on Weibo, she wouldn't know about it at all.

After she came to Beijing, the information obtained by people did not record anything related to the small pills. It can be seen that the information she obtained was all the things that 'others' wanted to show her.

She doesn't even have the qualifications to check what others don't want her to see.

Ji Ziyin was somewhat interested.

After all, she had never met such a person in Independent Continent.

If she wants to check something, she still needs to look at her face?
She wanted to see how many identities she didn't know were hidden behind this Qiao Nian.

"How is it? What does the He family say..."

Jiang family.

Jiang Zongnan came back from the phone call, and before he put down the phone, Tang Wanru asked him about the situation impatiently.

"The He family refused to answer the phone." Jiang Zongnan expected that things would not be so easy, but he didn't expect the He family to ignore them at all.

Jiang Yao stood up at this moment, and said in a deep voice: "I remember that Young Master Xu knows the He family. I'll ask him if he can contact the He family."

He hasn't gone out yet.

Jiang Zongnan's cell phone rang.


Jiang Zongnan looked at the caller ID on his phone in disbelief. He was so shocked that he forgot to answer it.

Fortunately, the phone didn't hang up so quickly.

He picked up the phone in the last few seconds of hanging up: "Hello? Xianrou, where are you?"

Jiang Xianrou suddenly called.

Everyone in the Jiang family was extremely nervous.

Jiang Zongnan was emotional from the beginning, then gradually became silent, and then showed embarrassment.

"I see, you send me the address." His voice was deep.

Wait for him to hang up the phone.

Tang Wanru immediately surrounded her and asked, "Was that call from Xianrou just now? What did she say, is she okay?"

 PS: Let me declare first, don’t guess randomly, even if you guess wrong, you will curse if you guess wrong.

  It's definitely not what you think! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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