Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1774 Uncle Jiang 2 was beaten into the hospital

Chapter 1774 Second uncle Jiang was beaten into the hospital
"It's fine for the time being." Jiang Zongnan finished speaking and walked back to the living room to pick up his coat, turned his head and said to Jiang Yao who was standing aside, "I have something to go out, you take care of the house."

Jiang Yao felt uneasy, grabbed his wrist, frowned, and asked, "Where are you going? I'll go with you."

Jiang Zongnan took a deep look at him, pulled his hand away, and said, "I'm just going out for a while, don't think too much, you stay at home and take care of your mother."

Jiang Yao was pushed away by him, dazed for a moment, suddenly a strong sense of unease welled up in his heart, looked at him with sharp eyes, hesitated for a moment before saying: "Dad, I just heard that the person on the other end of the phone mentioned Joe Read the name, they..."

"This matter has nothing to do with Nian Nian!" Jiang Zongnan immediately interrupted him sternly, staring at him with a pair of refined and wise eyes honed over the years, then retracted his gaze, and said slowly: "This time it was originally ours. It has nothing to do with her, so don't involve her in it."

"But..." Jiang Yao was still a little worried.

"No, but, I'll go out for a while, and I'll call you if I have news." Jiang Zongnan insisted, took the car keys, and walked out.

Jiang Yao had no choice but to watch his back disappear at the door of the villa.

Soon the sound of Jiang Zongnan driving could be heard outside the door.

Jiang Yaochu stood there for a long time. After a long time, he walked up to the second floor, took out his mobile phone, and said to Tang Wanru, "Mom, I'll go upstairs and make a call to Young Master Xu."


Tang Wanru was full of the good news that Jiang Xianrou was fine for the time being, so she didn't pay much attention to him, so she waved her hand to signal him to go up.

Jiang Yao glanced at her and stopped looking at her. While calling Xu Jishen, he walked to the study on the second floor.

Qiao Nian received a call from Qin Si at ten o'clock the next morning.

She just woke up and went to take a cold shower, and when she turned around, Qin Si called.

Qiao Nian walked over impatiently, picked up the charging phone, and answered his call.

Before she had time to say 'something', she heard Qin Si's anxious voice on the phone: "Sister Qiao, where are you?"

Qiao Nian's eyelashes moved slightly, she stretched out her hand to look at the phone, turned down the volume, and said softly, "Rhein."

Qin Si said non-stop: "You change your clothes, I'll come pick you up right away."

It was rare for Qiao Nian to see him in such a hurry, so she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and asked one more question: "What's wrong?"

Qin Si on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment when he heard what she said.

After a short silence.

Qiao Nian heard Qin Si's tentative voice on the phone: "Second Uncle Jiang was taken to the hospital, and I heard that he broke three ribs. Fortunately, the police arrived in time, otherwise we don't know what will happen." Consequences. It is said that Xu Jishen was looking for the police. Yesterday Uncle Jiang received a mysterious call and went out alone. Jiang Yao was worried and went to find Xu Jishen. Xu Jishen located Uncle Jiang’s mobile phone through his relationship, and the police abandoned it in a place. The factory found someone…”

"When they found him, he was already in a coma. The police didn't find any suspicious people around, so they might have gotten wind of it and ran away."

Qin Si didn't expect such a thing to happen in Beijing.

Jiang's family is not to say how awesome they are in Beijing, but at least they are members of the circle.

The reason why a circle is a circle is that the relationship is complicated. As long as you can get into the circle, there is something to do with it.

(End of this chapter)

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