Chapter 1775 Too arrogant!

These people broke Jiang Zongnan's three ribs with great fanfare, and they didn't pay much attention to the circle of Jiang's family and Beijing.

"These people are too arrogant!"

At the beginning, Qiao Nian's eyes were a little loose, a little impatient after waking up, and she didn't blink until Qin Si angrily scolded the group who beat Jiang Zongnan.

There is no expression on a delicate and eye-catching face, and it seems that there is no joy.

But anyone who knows Qiao Nian's temper knows that the calmer she is, the bigger the problem is!

Qiao Nian picked up the chewing gum bottle on the table, and asked in a voice without any ups and downs: "Which hospital are they in?"

"The first hospital in the city."

Qin Si immediately said again: "You go downstairs first, I have already reached the intersection, and I will arrive in 5 minutes at most. Come down, I will drive you there directly."


After hanging up on Qin Si's phone, Qiao Nian didn't bring anything, just her belongings.She changed her clothes, reached out to pick up the peaked cap on the table, tapped it on her head, pressed the brim of the hat, and went out.

Qin Si said 5 minutes, almost 5 minutes to the outside of the Rhine.

Qiao Nian was already standing by the side of the road waiting for him.

A flamboyant Maserati stopped, and then Qin Si opened the car door, raised his eyebrows and said to her: "Sister Qiao, get in the car."

Qiao Nian didn't talk nonsense, he threw his bag on it first, bent down and got into the passenger seat, the whole process was done in one go, which was pretty cool.

Qin Si saw that her expression was normal, and she couldn't see anything unusual. He scratched his head, and said to her a little bit at a loss: "Zhang Yang and the others went there first. I just called him to ask him. He saw the doctor of Second Uncle Jiang. , the doctor said that Uncle Jiang's life is not in danger, he just needs to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time, so don't worry too much, as long as he is fine."

Although he didn't know if it was okay to have three ribs broken, at least it would hurt his life. In his opinion, it was a blessing in misfortune.

"En." Qiao Nian stretched out her hand to pull the seat belt calmly, and it was hard to see what she was thinking.

Qin Si glanced at her, didn't see anything, touched the bridge of his nose again, tilted his head and said to the girl: "Then... Sister Qiao, please sit down first, we'll go over right away."

Qiao Nian leaned back firmly, half-closed his eyelids to cover his beautiful pupils, and said in a voice that could not detect any emotion, "Okay."

Qin Si couldn't understand her, so he drove to the city's first hospital.

In the first courtyard of the city, the Jiang family is basically there.

Jiang Zongjin, Tang Wanru, Jiang Yao, Jiang Li in a wheelchair, and the family of the cousin Qiao Nian hadn't seen for a long time...

In addition, Zhang Yang and Tangning are also here.

Xu Jishen is also there.

When she and Qin Si arrived, everyone's eyes fell on her.

It's just that the expression on everyone's face is different.

Tang Wanru glanced at her and then looked away.

The cousin and grandma's family shrank, as if they were afraid of Qiao Nian, they didn't dare to look at her more.

Jiang Zongjin walked over as soon as he saw Qiao Nian, and said with concern, "Nian Nian, why are you here? I haven't had time to tell you yet."

Qiao Nian raised her hand and lowered the brim of her hat, and said in a calm tone, "Qin Si told me."

It was only then that Jiang Zongjin noticed Qin Si beside her. Everyone was an acquaintance, but they hadn't had much contact with him before.

Jiang Zongjin nodded towards Qin Si.

Qin Si called out very politely: "Hello, Uncle."

He was very discerning, and after greeting Jiang Zongjin, he immediately turned to Qiao Nian and said, "Sister Qiao, I won't bother you, I'll go find Zhang Yang."

(End of this chapter)

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