Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1783 How can Miss Qiao return the goods to me?

Chapter 1783 How can Miss Qiao return the goods to me?

Qiao Nian left in no hurry.

He was still bowing his head and answering messages along the way.

With that unhurried look, he seemed to be waiting for someone.

When she got to the side of the road, a black Buick stopped in front of her.

The door opened, but the people sitting in the car did not get out of the car.A pair of sharp eyes stared at Qiao Nian's face, and there was a sense of oppression in the air.

"Miss Qiao, I'm He Congming. Shall we talk?"

The He family came from a bad background, and they lived a life of licking blood on the edge of a knife.

He Congming naturally had a murderous aura that was different from ordinary people.

The evil spirit on his body can scare people, at least the younger people will run away in fear every time they see him, and don't dare to provoke him at all.

However, He Congming found that the girl in front of him was not fooled at all, and seemed to be a little casually mocking.

He ignored him for the first time.

It wasn't until she leisurely answered the message on the phone that she looked away from the phone to look at him.

Then he slowly stuffed the phone into his pocket, lifted the brim of his peaked cap, revealing a pair of dark and cold eyes, with a bottomless chill in them, arrogant and surly.

He Congming was stunned at a glance.

this girl...

At this moment, Qiao Nian pulled down the brim of her hat to cover her eyes, and said in a very casual tone, "What does Patriarch He want to talk to me about?"

He Congming recovered from the initial astonishment, and he didn't even realize that his imposing manner was involuntarily lowered by three points: "Ahem, then I'll just say it directly."

"What will Miss Qiao do to return the shipment to us?"

He didn't ask if Qiao Nian did it, but directly asked Qiao Nian how to spit out the stuff, which made him more confident and confident.

After all, if he didn't find anything, would he dare to ask someone for the goods with such certainty?

He Congming has been on the road for decades, "how to talk to people is more beneficial", no one has more experience in this knowledge than him!
Who knew that as soon as he finished speaking, the girl standing on the side of the road sneered, and asked him angrily, "Which batch do you want?"

He Congming already had the feeling of taking control of the situation.

But when Qiao Nian asked back, he felt that the scene had turned back to the other party again, and he still had a feeling of being suppressed.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

He Congming didn't like this feeling of being suppressed very much, his face was slightly cold, and he stopped putting on airs, and said bluntly: "That batch of goods is very important to me."

In other words, he is bound to get back that batch of goods.

Qiao Nian laughed, and let out a groan, and looked up at him, her eyes were cold and dry, very arrogant: "...Go to my grandpa's bed and kneel down to apologize?"

He Congming suddenly changed his face, and could hardly control the anger in his heart. He warned in a low voice, "Qiao Nian! Don't forget that Jiang Xianrou is still in my hands."

She humiliated herself so blatantly, she wasn't afraid of Jiang Xianrou...

Qiao Nian also looked at him, her eyes met each other, there was only indifference in those eyes, without any emotion: "Since you have investigated me, don't you know that I have a bad relationship with her. You can do anything you want with Jiang Xianrou, but I let the He family go..."

The girl paused for a second.

The corner of his mouth was pulled, and he raised a crazy and cold arc: "Unless time goes back!"

He Congming had never seen anyone with such a strong aura. At this moment, Qiao Nian's sense of oppression was stronger than that of Ji Ziyin.

If we say that Ji Ziyin's strength comes from his proud family background and talent.

Then why does this Qiao can she speak so confidently? !
(End of this chapter)

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