Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1784 Ask me to let go of the He family unless I turn back time

Chapter 1784 Ask me to let go of the He family unless I turn back time
He Congming was almost fooled, he really didn't understand how the other party dared to speak so utterly, leaving no way out.

It's clear that he wants to fight with their He family forever.

Why should a person fight with a family?

What's more, behind their He family is the Ji family from Independent Continent!

With Ji Ziyin escorting her!

"Miss Qiao, do you mean that you don't accept the settlement?" He Congming's initial idea was to use Jiang Xianrou to negotiate.

Of course, he would not let Jiang Xianrou go.

It's just that if Qiao Nian can return that batch of goods, he can make Jiang Xianrou look decent.

Now it seems that his abacus has been emptied.

Qiao Nian's eyebrows were cold, and she didn't even move her eyelashes when she heard the words: "I told you, unless I go back in time to let the He family go."

He Congming nodded, looked at her with fierce wolf eyes, and smiled on the surface: "I understand what you mean. That means there is nothing to talk about."

There was a fire in his heart, and it was burning hot.

With a sneer, he said again: "Miss Qiao, if you think you can make Bo Zheng hold on to my goods, you are too naive! You must know that in this world, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky'!"

"Although Bo Zheng is an uncompromising figure in Beijing, he is not strong enough to stand up for you. There is a wider world outside of Beijing. You should ask your elders more to find out."

He had read Qiao Nian's information and knew that Qiao Nian and Nie Mi had been to Independence Island.

He thought that Qiao Nian hadn't touched the core power of Independent Continent, and didn't understand how powerful Independent Continent was.

That's why I dare to say that I will not reconcile until the time goes back.

Qiao Nian glanced at him, then reached out to pick his ears impatiently, thinking he was farting.

Seeing her like this, He Congming felt more and more aggrieved, but it was impossible for him to do anything to a girl in public.

He gritted his teeth and snorted again, as if he was too lazy to continue talking with Qiao Nian, and ordered someone to close the door, and the Buick quickly disappeared on the road outside the city's first courtyard.

He Congming wanted to use Jiang Xianrou's calculations to make a fool of himself. The He family counterattacked very quickly, which meant to tear their face and put the matter on the bright side.

That night, Jiang Xianrou was sent to the police station.

He Congming, as a family member of the victim, sued Jiang Xianrou for homicide for selling fake medicines and causing death.

When Jiang Xianrou was sent to the police station, one of her right pinky fingers was broken, and she was only half alive.

Tang Wanru received the news immediately and went to the police station with Jiang Yao.

Seeing Jiang Xianrou who was in such a miserable state, she cried and fainted in the visiting room.

Jiang Xianrou didn't care about her.

As soon as he saw Jiang Yao, he immediately told Jiang Yao emotionally that he must find Qiao Nian and ask Qiao Nian to apologize to the He family.

Only when Qiao Nian apologized to the He family, could the He family let her go.

Visiting hours are limited.

Even if Jiang Yao knew people in the detention center, he only got a few minutes of visiting time.

Soon Jiang Xianrou was taken away by the prison guards.

Jiang Yao took out his mobile phone and once wanted to call Jiang Li to tell him about the situation in the detention center, and wanted Jiang Li to contact Qiao Nian.

But in the end he didn't have the courage to make the call.

Things lay ahead.

Still, everyone could see that Qiao Nian's sudden relationship with the He family must have something to do with Mr. Jiang's sudden illness.

The courier the old man received was probably sent by the He family.

Under such circumstances, even if he wanted to save his sister, he couldn't be so heartless. He could make this phone call without changing his face and ask Qiao Nian to bow his head for Jiang Xianrou...

(End of this chapter)

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