Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1787 In just 3 days, the He family's territory in Beijing has been checked

Chapter 1787 In just three days, the He family's territory in Beijing has been investigated
The He family has established themselves in Beijing for decades.

Just three days.

The He family's decades of painstaking efforts were all ruined!
He Congming's face was livid, and he slammed the glass on the table across the ground. The glass was smashed to pieces, and no one in the hall dared to speak.

He took several deep breaths before suppressing the blood that was about to rush to his forehead.

There was a fierce look in his eyes, and his teeth were about to be gritted: "This Qiao Nian really doesn't care about Jiang Xianrou's life or death!"

A few days ago, He Congming would never have believed that his decades of hard work would be ruined by a single girl.

If anyone said that in front of him, he would definitely laugh out loud.

It takes a girl who is so awesome to be able to shake the foundation of their He family?
But this time, he had to believe it!

All the strongholds of the He family have now been sealed off.

And those goods were also seized.

He Congming was so angry that his chest heaved violently, and his sharp eyes wanted to eat people. He took two steps back and forth, finally calmed down, and asked in a deep voice, "I asked you to contact Bo Zheng, did you get in touch?"

Brother Biao quickly looked up at him, then immediately lowered his head: "Captain Bo said...that he can't see us."

"Not seen?" He Congming was a little surprised.

Brother Biao looked at his eyes and nose, without raising his head, and continued: "I didn't see Team Bo in person. I was looking for Deputy Team Luo under Team Bo. When Deputy Team Luo heard my intention, he followed I said no. He also said..."

He Congming saw that he had stopped in the middle of what he was saying, and stared at him irritably: "What else did he say?"


Brother Biao couldn't help but look at him again, and finally said with a complicated expression: "Deputy Luo also said that we stepped on a thunder this time, and he gave us a piece of advice, telling us to apologize to Ms. Qiao without hesitation. , there may still be room for improvement in the matter, otherwise the He family may be in the middle of it."

At first, He Congming suspected that he had misheard: "He told you that the He family would be folded inside?"

"Yeah." Brother Biao nodded dully, hesitant to speak but said to him: "Boss, why don't we talk to Qiao Nian again? Actually..."

From the beginning, he thought that if they touched Jiang Xianrou, they would touch Jiang Xianrou, even if they touched Jiang Zongnan, it would be fine, and Jiang Weishang shouldn't be touched... After all, Jiang Weishang has been living in a nursing home, so he must not know about Jiang Xianrou's good deeds outside.

When they vented their anger like this, they went a little too far.

No, it got burned.

Who knew that the Jiang family's decline would return to its decline, and Qiao Nian had such a great energy behind him that he could drive Bo Zheng to use her.

"Actually, I don't think it's okay to bow your head. A man can bend and stretch, and we will..."

He Congming didn't give him a chance to finish, and smiled coldly: "Oh, what a joke! I bow to her, how will our He family gain a foothold outside?"

"But now..."

"Okay! I know it myself, don't say any more." He Congming interrupted him impatiently, with a layer of irritability on his brows, but he still managed to hold his breath.

Just at this time, a younger brother ran in.

Seeing that the two were chatting, he quickly reported in a low voice: "Boss, Brother Biao, Miss Ji is here, and she is outside."

Is Ji Ziyin here?
He originally planned to look for Ji Ziyin, but he didn't expect him to come directly.

The gloomy look on He Congming's face eased, he stopped caring about the burly man, got up and went out immediately.


Ji Ziyin came alone, with the car keys in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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