Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1788 Don't be so impulsive next time you do something

Chapter 1788 Don't be so impulsive next time
After she and He Congming came in, she didn't talk nonsense, and asked very neatly: "I heard from my cousin that the shipment that was supposed to arrive yesterday, you haven't delivered it today?"

She played with the car keys in her hand, raised her head again, and looked at He Congming with sharp eyes, with a beautiful and outstanding appearance: "Mr. He, what's going on?"

A very light word.

But thinking of her identity and the independent Zhou Ji family behind her, the weight of this sentence suddenly became heavier.

He Congming was afraid of the forces behind Ji Ziyin, and he was originally on Ji Ziyin's boat, so he would have to rely on Ji Ziyin to take care of him in the future.

So dare not hide her.

Briefly explain to Ji Ziyin what happened in the past few days.

Including that he moved two other members of Jiang's family, thus causing Qiao Nian... He Congming told Ji Ziyin all of them.

Ji Ziyin frowned slightly throughout the whole process, and at the end, she showed an impatient expression on her face, took a deep look at him, leaned on the edge of the sofa, and said mockingly: "So our goods were detained by Bo Zheng?"

He Congming is old anyway, much older than Ji Ziyin, according to his age, he can be Ji Ziyin's father, but he still has to be reprimanded by a junior as old as his daughter.

He looked a little ugly, and he couldn't lift his head up, so he didn't say anything.

Ji Ziyin squinted at him, and gave a light snort disapprovingly. She didn't really care about He Congming's touching Mr. Jiang, and said softly: "Okay, I didn't blame you, but next time you do something, you can't do it again." So impulsive."

"Bo Zheng, I will contact him personally, and the goods will definitely come back. You have to take care of the rest yourself, and don't be caught by the tail again!"

He Congming breathed a sigh of relief, his complexion calmed down to a great extent, he showed a slight smile, and said sincerely, "Thank you, Miss Ji."

"En." Ji Ziyin responded, looked at him again, and asked, "Do you know how Qiao Nian found out about your strongholds?"

The He family has always done things safely.

Otherwise, she would not have chosen the He family and He Congming to work for her.

Ordinarily, those strongholds of He Congming should be very secretive, and not many people know about them.

How could Qiao Nian catch it right?

Like a cat catching a mouse.

He Congming played around in three days.

It's like playing with the palm of your hand.

When He Congming heard her ask this, his expression was a little more dignified than before. He shook his head and stretched out his hands to rub his temples with a headache: "I haven't found out about this. Maybe someone inside leaked the news to her..."

"As a student, she still knows the people inside you?" Ji Ziyin raised her eyebrows, her eyes were sharp, as if she could see everything.

He Congming didn't know how to answer for a while, so he returned the question to her: "This is my guess. Otherwise, Miss Ji said how did she know the specific places of my strongholds?"

Ji Ziyin didn't speak, but she had a different guess in her heart - the black market!
In the black market, apart from the Hacking Alliance having this ability, the Hongmeng in the illegal area claims to be omniscient and omnipotent.

It is also possible for Hongmeng to trace this information.

It's just that neither of these two organizations should be at a level that an ordinary girl can touch.

Qiao Nian seems to be connected with this kind of organization.

Ji Ziyin only thought for a moment, then pulled her thoughts away, and asked He Congming indifferently: "By the way, the old man of the Jiang family is not dead, is he?"

(End of this chapter)

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