Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1804 Miss Ji Willing to Owe You One Favor

Chapter 1804 Miss Ji Willing to Owe You a Favor

"Miss Qiao, I apologize to you for my previous reckless behavior. I have already contacted Dean Hu to change Mr. Jiang to the best ward, and Mr. Jiang... I will definitely make corresponding compensation to Jiang's family in the future. I hope that for the sake of everyone's circle in Beijing, you can just let this matter go."

He had already made full preparations before he came, and of course he didn't think his compensation was enough, so he took out his trump card.

"Miss Qiao has been to Independent Island, so she should have heard of Ji's family. Actually, I know Miss Ji from Ji's family, and we have a good relationship. I have already told Miss Ji, and Miss Ji said that she is willing to make friends with Miss Qiao. Good. If Ms. Qiao can show her kindness this time and let Team Bo release the goods that took us, Ms. Ji will say that she owes you a favor."

After He Congming said these words, he relaxed a lot, and his nerves were not as tense as they were at the beginning.

He watched the girl's expression change closely with his eyes, and said persistently: "Miss Qiao, the favor of the Ji family is not easy to take. Miss Ji's status in the Ji family is supernatural. If you make friends with her, your future is limitless. It's just a matter of being able to get along in the small circle in Beijing."

He thought that Qiao Nian knew Yuan Yongqin, knew Su Huaiyuan... knew many people in Beijing, and the greatest fortune was to gain a firm foothold in Beijing.

He didn't think about the illegal area and the independent continent at all.

It is also impossible to think that the person standing in front of him is a big boss in the illegal area and independent state.

Even if it is not the existence of a big family like the Ji family, it is not an unknown person.

"Oh?" Qiao Nian patiently listened to him. After listening, he stretched out his hand and pulled down the brim of his hat, and looked up at him: "Who are you talking about?"

He Congming couldn't figure out her attitude, so he bit his bullet and said, "I'm talking about Miss Ji from Ji's family in Independent Island, Ji Ziyin..."


The girl responded with a casual tone: "I don't know."

do not know!
Three words, slap in the face!

He Congming's face began to look ugly, but he held back his breath, clenched his fists, and explained to her with a smile: "Miss Ji is the highest-ranking member of the generation of the Ji family in Independent State, and the He family has been doing things for her. Those goods belong to Miss Ji too."

"I've never heard of it." Qiao Nian lazily murmured, still speaking concisely, her attitude was enough to slap her face.

I haven't heard of it, and I don't know it.

It means that she doesn't pay attention to Ji Ziyin at all.

He Congming couldn't figure out what she meant, so he was speechless for a while, and didn't know how to continue talking with her: "Those things..."

Qiao Nian looked at him expressionlessly: "I said, if I want to let the He family go, I have to turn back time. Can you turn back time to before my grandfather entered the hospital? If not, then we have nothing to talk about of!"


The girl's voice changed, and her voice was cold and deep: "If you come to the hospital to disturb my family again, Mr. He guesses how long the He family can last?"

The blood in He Congming's body quickly cooled down.

Before he came, he called Ji Ziyin specifically, and finally persuaded Ji Ziyin to sell Qiao to save face, and agreed to owe him a favor.

He thought he was sure of everything this time, and Qiao Nian would definitely let go.

Who knew that people didn't look at Ji's family, nor did they look at Ji Ziyin's face.

Even when he moved out of Ji's house, he didn't raise his eyelids.

He Congming took a deep breath. He still felt that Qiao Nian might not understand the existence of such a great thing in Independence Continent, and that he didn't understand the lofty status of the Ji family in Independence Continent...

(End of this chapter)

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