Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1805 Luye: Nian Nian, I'm here

Chapter 1805 Luye: Nian Nian, I'm here

He was about to explain to Qiao Nian again.

Suddenly a voice came in: "Sister Qiao, what are you doing standing here?"

Qiao Nian turned her head to look, and saw Qin Si walking towards them in a hurry, looking quite anxious like that.

Qin Si was really anxious, walked up to the two of them in a few steps, stood between Qiao Nian and He Congming without any trace, and greeted He Congming with a smile: "Uncle He, why are you here?"

The He family has a little contact with the Qin family, but the contact is not deep.

Qin Si had only met He Congming a few times, and politely called him uncle in terms of seniority.

Calling him Uncle Bo Zheng is two different concepts.

Seeing someone coming, He Congming knew that we would not be able to talk today, he was a little impatient and angry, he hummed, glanced in the direction of the girl, and said perfunctorily, "I'll come and see Mr. Jiang."

"That's it." Qin Si glanced back, then turned to him and said, "Uncle He, have you seen it? How about we go up together?"

It was impossible for He Congming to chat with Qiao Nian about Independent Island and Ji Ziyin in front of Qin Si, so he could only let out a breath of foul air and hastily refused: "I've already seen it, so I can't go up, you guys go."

Before he left, he didn't give up and read to Qiao: "Miss Qiao, I hope you consider what I told you before. This is a very rare opportunity. If you don't know much about the situation over there, you can Ask Mr. Nie and the others, they should know."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Qin Si again, very depressed: "I won't bother you, I'll go first. Miss Qiao, I'll wait for your news at any time."

He Congming walked in a hurry, and he could see from his back that he was a bit embarrassed.

Qin Si watched until he got into the Land Rover on the side of the road, and the Land Rover drove away again.Then he turned around, pointed to the direction where He Congming left, and said to the girl, "Sister Qiao, why did you mess with him?"

"No." He was still turning his head very quickly, and immediately thought of Bo Zheng, and then looked at the girl with sharp eyes: "Uncle Bo recently copied several strongholds of the He family, is it your intention? I thought He The family messed with him."

Qin Si circled her around for a long time, hesitant to say anything: "Hiss, you're not trying to stand out for Jiang Xianrou, are you?"

Qiao Nian thought what he was talking about, but when he heard him hold back for a long time before suffocating a nonsense from the depths of his soul, he put down his peaked cap handsomely, raised his eyes slightly, glanced at him, and asked indifferently: "Do you think I look like you?" Are you stupid?"

Qin Si: "..." That's not the case.

"He Congming didn't look for me because of Jiang Xianrou." Qiao Nian put his hands in his pockets again, and said this in a casual manner.

"Ah?" Qin Si stretched out his hand and scratched his head. He didn't understand why He Congming would look for her, but he never liked to get to the bottom of it, so he immediately gave up the entanglement, stretched his eyebrows, ran to hook Qiao Nian's shoulders, and asked with a smile: " For Zhang Yang's birthday, he booked a private room in Lanting. In the evening, he invited a few friends to play together, are you going to wait?"

"..." Just as Qiao Nian was about to call him back, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Temporarily distracted, she took out her phone and looked down.

Ye Fanchuan's name danced on the screen.

Shouldn't he be in Independent Continent at this time?
Qiao Nian was a little distracted, then turned to pick it up: "Hello."

The man's voice is clear and charming: "Nian Nian, I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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