Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1816 If you can make Qiao Nian let go, I will let her go

Chapter 1816 If you can make Qiao Nian let go, I will let her go

After all, the plot of Jiang Xianrou's case was bad, and Tang Wanru insisted that he defend his innocence instead of applying for clemency. This kind of defense has very little chance of winning, and it is almost impossible to win.

Lawyer Huang didn't know what to do, and he had to calm down the anxious Tang Wanru: "As long as Ms. Jiang doesn't plead guilty, we still have hope."

"I know. I told her that she won't plead guilty. Anyway, it's all up to you, Lawyer Huang." Tang Wanru raised her head and was still talking to the lawyer.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a black Land Rover stop not far from her.

Immediately afterwards, the car door opened, and He Congming got out of the car.

Her eyes lit up, she paused, and she mustered up the courage to call out, "Mr. He."

"That letter of understanding..."

She hasn't given up yet.

If He Congming was willing to sign the letter of understanding before the court session, there was still time.

But when He Congming turned around and saw that it was her, he just gave her a faint look and said, "Mrs. Jiang, I still say the same thing, as long as you can find a way to get Miss Qiao to let me go, I will let Jiang Xianrou go too. You If you can’t do it, don’t even think about that letter of understanding!”

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, not to mention Jiang Xianrou killed my mother, why do you think I signed that letter of understanding for you for nothing?"

"..." Tang Wanru was momentarily choked by his words.

Seeing that she couldn't answer his own words, He Congming also became angry for no reason.

After all, he has also been devastated by the goods these two days, and Bo Zheng is still making trouble for him.

Since yesterday, it has even evolved that apart from Bo Zheng, there is also a very powerful force in Beijing, so powerful that he can't figure out the origin of the other party, targeting the He family.

The reason why he came to the court in person today, to put it bluntly, was nothing more than biting the bullet and taking a gamble.

I bet Qiao Nian would come too.

In addition, he wanted to use Jiang Xianrou to fight for Jiang Xianrou's future, so that Qiao Nian would let go...

But when he saw Tang Wanru's helpless look, his heart was half cold.

When He Congming looked at the lawyer next to her again, his expression became much colder, he raised his jaw slightly, and asked, "Are you Jiang Xianrou's defense lawyer?"

The lawyer didn't dare to meet his eyes at all, and his momentum was very weak: "Ah, yes, yes, I am Miss Jiang's lawyer."

"Hmph." He Congming saw that he didn't have much ability at a glance, and gave a contemptuous smile, and then turned his attention to Tang Wanru again: "Mrs. Jiang, I advise you to have a good chat with Qiao Nian before the court session, as long as she is willing." Let go, today's trial can be cancelled... If you don't want to, just relying on the lawyer you found and want to fight with me, I'm afraid you are thinking too much."

He didn't bother arguing with Tang Wanru at the gate of the court, so after saying this, he said to the people around him, "Let's go."

Surrounded by three or four lawyers, he looked like an elite among the elite. Just like what He Congming said, if Qiao Nian didn't let go, the He family would have to work hard to win the lawsuit.

Tang Wanru just looked at the team of lawyers prepared by the He family, and her heart was cold, as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water on her.

She pinched the strap of her handbag, gritted her teeth, and could only walk in on her heels.


The heat of today's trial is very high.

The outside of the court was surrounded by reporters and some self-media who followed the trend.

When Tang Wanru and He Congming arrived, many people followed them with cameras, fearing that they would miss details.

(End of this chapter)

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