Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1817 Qiao Nian her... come or not?

Chapter 1817 Qiao Nian her... come or not?

There was also a discussion on Weibo.

The topic was all about whether Jiang Xianrou would be sentenced, and how many years he would be sentenced.

In addition, some witty netizens pulled out the official Weibo of the Overseas Medical Association and slammed the official blog of Aite so that the Overseas Medical Association came out to claim Jiang Xianrou.

Overseas medical associations have been rounded up by netizens over and over again, but they still dare not come out to respond, they can only lie flat and mock, pretending to be dead and not saying a word.

Even so, it didn't affect the enthusiasm of netizens for slapping their faces. At one point, the Overseas Medical Association was on the top of the list of hot searches, and the punishment was publicly executed.

"@Overseas Medical Association, didn't you say that Jiang Xian has both morality and talent, do you believe her? You kept asking for an explanation for her from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Aite Tsinghua University and Huang Lao, why is she dumb now, come out."

"Tsk tsk, I advise everyone not to be Aite. If you want to be more open, if you think about it this way, if we are so Aite and they don't show up, they are probably dead."



Jiang Xianrou's trial started at ten o'clock in the morning.

Tang Wanru was the earliest to go, arriving at 08:30.

Jiang Yao and other relatives of the Jiang family came a little later. Jiang Yao went to the hospital first, and then joined the others.

They arrived at the court at ten past nine.

The outside of the court was almost full of reporters and media people, all kinds of long guns and short cannons shot at their faces. The relatives of the Jiang family wanted to cover their faces and walked away from the camera one by one, wishing to enter the court quickly, for fear of being photographed by the reporters To his own face, embarrassing with Jiang Xianrou.

At [-]:[-], Jiang Li also arrived.

Because of his special status, he walked through the back door. There was no one at the back door, so few reporters took pictures of him.

When Jiang Li arrived, the jury box was almost full.

Wearing a peaked cap and a mask, covering most of his face, he found Jiang Yao's position and walked over.

"elder brother."

He called Jiang Yao.

When Jiang Yao saw him, his eyes moved, and he subconsciously looked behind him. There was nothing behind Jiang Li, and he was the only one.

Jiang Yao felt a little indescribably disappointed, and reluctantly twitched the corner of his mouth to greet Jiang Li: "You're here, find a seat."

"Yeah." Jiang Li didn't talk nonsense, found a seat next to him and sat down, then raised his eyebrows and asked him, "Where's Mom?"

"She's still talking to Lawyer Huang." Jiang Yao said calmly.

Jiang Li didn't want to ask anymore, anyway, it was meaningless if he asked, it would only make him angrier.

After he took his seat, he lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, mainly checking Weibo and sending messages to Ye Wangchuan asking if he was coming.

But Jiang Yao couldn't help it. Seeing him playing with his mobile phone, he hesitated to speak and said, "That Jiang Li... Qiao Nian her..."

Jiang Li had just scanned a few trending topics on Weibo, and when he heard Jiang Yao's voice, he turned his head and saw his elder brother's hesitant look, he understood in seconds, immediately lowered his eyelashes, and stood up. He said indifferently: "I didn't ask if she would come, so I don't know if Nian Nian will come or not. It's useless if you ask me, I hope she won't come."

The last sentence he said was aimed at Jiang Yao, but he didn't make it clear that he hoped that Qiao Nian would not come, so as not to be pestered by relatives at home and ask her to help find someone.

Jiang Yao's face became hot for a while, his eyebrows moved slightly, and he wanted to say a few words about him.

But seeing the alienated expression on Jiang Li's side face, he swallowed back his words, silently turned his face away, and waited for the trial to begin...

 PS: Sister Nian will come, but not Tiaojiang Xianrou.

  I want to change the cover.

(End of this chapter)

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