Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1824 Infiltrating the Beijing circle in this way

Chapter 1824 Infiltrating the Beijing circle in this way

Su Huaiyuan belongs to the city around the city, and the forces of the Xu family are also distributed in the city around the city and Shuangjiang City, not involving the city of Beijing.

So Xu Jishen is not close to the Beijing circle.

In addition, the circle in Beijing is not so easy to get into, and it is relatively xenophobic, and he is too lazy to be low-key for others, so he has only been in contact with Jiang Yao, and has not had much contact with other forces in Beijing.

He didn't even get into the fringe circles of Beijing, let alone contact with Qin Si's small circle.

Xu Jishen had heard of Qin Si and met him on many occasions, but he hadn't spoken to Qin Si yet.

He never expected that he would successfully break into the Beijing circle in this way.

He was the one Qiao Nian pulled in, Qin Si gave him face, and started chatting after ahh, Zhang Yang is also very suitable for threading the needle in the middle.

Tang Ning was another person who went around the city.

We are all young people, we come and go, and we probably know each other in a short period of time.

Qiao Nian didn't talk much in the middle of the game, basically listening to them chatting over the audio, while she didn't talk much, looking through the props in the game backpack.

Qin Si chatted with Xu Jishen for a few words and started the game.

Xu Jishen's game skills are not bad, and with Qiao Nian leading them, they won the victory in almost 10 minutes.

After playing a game, Qiao Nian quit the game. When he saw the news of Ji Nan's return, he quit the game first, and said to a few people: "Wait for me, I'll send you a message."

"OK, OK!"

Qiao Nian withdrew and clicked on the message from Ji Nan.


On the other side, Ye Lan and Bo Jingxing had almost talked.

She came here in the morning mainly to find Ye Wangchuan to ask some details about Independent Island, but she didn't expect that Bao Jingxing was also there.

She had a good relationship with Bo Zheng, so she asked about the physical condition of Bo Jingxing's elders.

We chatted a few words.

She saw that Qiao Nian had been playing games with Qin Si and the others, and it was not easy to interrupt the entertainment activities of the young people.

It just so happened that Qiao Nian didn't play anymore.

Ye Lan hurriedly asked her: "Nian Nian, do you have time on Friday?"

"Friday?" Qiao Nian was still looking down at the phone, a little absent-minded.

Ye Lan knew her character and didn't mind, so she smiled: "Well, this Friday, our company will hold an annual meeting and go to the beach. Are you going? If you go, I'll reserve a room for you."

The weather in Beijing has gradually turned cooler since October, especially in the last few days, when it is approaching the end of October and it will soon enter November, the weather will be even colder.

Ye Lan has always had the habit of going to the south for vacation in winter. This time the company held an annual meeting, she decided to go to the island to play.

The weather over there is good and leisurely, suitable for vacation.

She planned to take Ye Qichen with her.

The little guy is clamoring for his sister again, otherwise he won't go.

She herself really wanted to go on vacation with Qiao Nian, so she asked Qiao Nian.

Ye Wangchuan came out after making two cups of coffee, he took one himself, walked up to the girl and handed the other one over naturally: "Drink some hot coffee."

Qiao Nian's eyes were still a little confused, he was still thinking about Friday's arrangements, but was quickly brought back to his senses by the extra cup of coffee in front of him.

She reached out to take it, and Ye Wangchuan took the previous mug away for her, and put it on the table next to it.

The freshly brewed coffee was still emitting white smoke, holding it in his hand, his whole hand became warm.

Qiao Nian was wearing thin clothes, so she put on a light blue sweater. Her palms were slightly cold, and her fingertips were also cold.

At this moment, with an extra cup of hot coffee in his hand, his whole body warmed up.

(End of this chapter)

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