Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1825 Do you have time to come to Independent Continent once?

Chapter 1825 Do you have time to come to Independent Continent
She narrowed her eyes lazily, her crow-black eyelashes drooped, and her shoulders were relaxed. After thinking about it, she said to Ye Lan, "Not on Friday, I have an exam."

Qin Si and the others waited for a long time before Qiao Nianlai pulled a small convoy and started a new round.

At this moment Qin Si heard the word 'examination', pricked up his ears, and interjected beside him: "Sister Qiao, you still have to take the exam?"

She didn't seem to have been to school a few times.

take an exam……

Don't get out of the exam.

But just as soon as he had this idea, he was immediately extinguished by himself.

God Joe, god of the exam.

Qin Si felt that his mouth was too short, and in order to avoid turning around and slapping himself in the face, he quickly turned back his respect: "Hiss, that's right. Tsinghua University is about to take the final exam. Who is the Wen family, who is here? Oh, Wen Zi Yu. He will be graduating after the exam this year, and he seems to be taking the path of finance in the future. And..."

He said a few more people, turned his head, and looked at the girl curiously: "Sister Qiao, which way are you going to go in the future? Chinese medicine?"

He still couldn't imagine Qiao Nian wearing a white coat and standing in front of the counter to grab medicine.

Among other things, just Qiao Nian's gangster-like appearance, he doesn't look like a simple Chinese medicine doctor, no matter how you look at it, it's against harmony.

"You don't want to take the path of scientific research." He stretched his legs and said casually: "Master Cheng has approached Bao Jingxing several times, saying that you are a good candidate. To be honest, sister Qiao, you don't want to lose your mind." It's such a waste of time being a scientist."

Qiao Nian glanced at him lightly, quite lazy: "It's a waste of me being a scientist."

Qin Si: ...

He scratched the back of his head, and felt that TM's words made sense!
I have nothing to say.

Qiao Nian was very lazy when talking to him, but he was obviously more polite when talking to Ye Lan: "Aunt Ye, I won't go, you guys have fun."

Ye Lan just asked, she had already guessed that Qiao Nian might not be able to go, so she didn't have any special regrets, but she was a little regretful: "Well, when you are on vacation, I will find a time for our family to play. "

Her family spoke very naturally and smoothly.

It was so smooth that Qiao Niandu finally realized that she said 'family'.

But when she saw Ye Lan's hearty smile, she didn't feel anything, and lowered her eyes to look at her phone again.

On the phone, Ji Nan's message is still on.

Qiao Nian frowned, the corners of her eyes were a little gloomy, and she didn't reply immediately.

Ye Wangchuan happened to be standing beside her, and he could see the messages on his phone just by looking at her.

He didn't mean to peek, but he saw it anyway.

【Ji Nan: My aunt's condition has deteriorated very badly. I want you to come over and take a look at her.Do you have time to come to Independence? 】

The word "Independence Continent" is very conspicuous.

Ye Wangchuan half-closed his eyes, his eyes were dark.

Ji Nan?

He thought about Ji Nan's relationship in his mind, and immediately knew who the aunt Ji Nan was talking about - Xie Tingyun.

The proudest daughter of the Xie family is also the only one in the Xie family worthy of his attention.

The Xie family and the Ji family are also one of the three top families in Independent Continent, but unlike the other two families, the Xie family did not become the top family by crushing other forces with its own strength, but Rely on rich + marriage.

The Xie family is very good at using marriage to strengthen the family's status.

All powerful forces in Independent Continent are more or less related to the Xie family.

(End of this chapter)

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