Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1831 I will let 'him' come without rules!

Chapter 1831 I will let 'him' come and go!
"I arranged for people to watch the port." Ji Xiao's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he put the teacup in his hand heavily on the table.

He crossed his legs, his brows were full of fear, and he sneered: "Hmph, no matter who he is, I will let 'him' come and go!"

the next day.

Qiao Nian went out early in the morning.

She didn't go to the hospital to see Mr. Jiang, but went to a quiet private club in the city center.

The private club is entirely in the Chinese architectural style. In a place like Beijing where every inch of land is expensive, the well-arranged pavilions and pavilions inside and the style of flowing water show that the boss here is particularly tasteful.

As soon as Qiao Nian arrived, someone came up to greet her, looked at her curiously, and asked with a smile, "Hi, is this Miss Qiao?"


Qiao Nian didn't wear a peaked cap when she went out today. She wore a short-sleeved sweater over a white T-shirt. The style of layering was beautiful and sassy.

She went out with only one mobile phone all over her body, looking extremely casual.

It doesn't match the luxurious style of the clubhouse at all.

The waiter who came over to ask her immediately made a 'please' gesture: "Miss Qiao, Ms. Wei has been waiting for you for a long time, please follow me."

After speaking, the waiter led the way ahead.

Qiao Nian's eyes dimmed, she put one hand in her pocket, and followed with her legs.

The two walked through a long corridor, and there were various boxes on both sides of the corridor.

The waiter led Qiao Nian to the door of a box and opened the door for her: "Miss Qiao, we are here, and Ms. Wei is inside."

The decoration style inside the box is the same as the outside of the clubhouse, the same strong Chinese style, with tables and coffee tables, and a hollow carved flower screen.

Wei Ying sat inside.

Just looking towards them.

When she saw the girl standing next to the waiter, her complexion was obviously worse than 01:30, but she didn't say anything.

Mainly because she didn't dare to say anything.

She could only watch helplessly as the girl walked in loosely and arrogantly.

The waiter also thoughtfully closed the door of the box for them.

Weiying couldn't bear it any longer, her voice was hoarse and unpleasant, and her anger and worry were suppressed: "Qiao Nian, what do you want to do!"

Her voice sounded full of air, and she could bluff people.

But in fact, the foundation is very weak, and it is obviously just a paper tiger.

"You have been to Independent Continent yourself. You should be very clear about the distribution of forces in Independent Continent. Why do you insist on forcing me?"

Last night, before going to bed, Wei Ying received a text message, which contained a photo and a few words.

The thing on the photo is the Ji family emblem.

Although she didn't know where Qiao Nian found that thing, she was almost sure that Qiao Nian found far more than she imagined!

In addition, the few words in the text message are to give her a night to think about whether to confess the truth about the black box recording.

Of course, the other party also came with a warning.

The future of her branch of the Wei family and the safety of Wei Qi.

The veins on the back of Weiying's hands that were placed on the table at this moment were bulging, and it was obvious that he was forbearing very much.

She stared at the girl for a moment, her eyes were full of fear and uneasiness, and she seemed to be looking at a dead person with sympathy: "You, why do you have trouble with Ji's family? Independent Island is not a place we can provoke, We can't afford to offend the Ji family. It's as easy for them to crush us as if they crushed an ant..."

(End of this chapter)

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