Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1832 The Truth 20 Years Ago

Chapter 1832 The Truth 20 Years Ago

Weiying saw the girl pull a chair away and sit down opposite her. She took a deep breath, adjusted her mentality, and reluctantly wanted to soften her tone and reason with the other party.

"Qiao Nian, you have a bright future now, why bother to sink into the muddy water?! As long as you act like nothing happened, your future achievements will not be low..."

"The muddy water you mentioned is my biological mother." The girl's voice was low and hoarse, and she casually reminded her that she didn't really want to chat nonsense with her, she said concisely: "Since you asked me out, you should have thought it over carefully. Now that you've thought about it, don't waste each other's time."

"Tell me, who was instigating you behind your back?"

Qiao Nian had asked Wei Ying about the recording before, but Wei Ying refused to admit it.

She didn't delve into it either.

The main reason was that she didn't find out at that time whether her mother had anything to do with Independent Island.

Now she has figured it out.

Ji Qing is from Ji's family in Independent Continent!
Then there are some things that she should settle after autumn, and of course she will not miss anyone.

Back then, Ji Qing had encountered a very serious air crash. Although she didn't die, she almost died.

She knew that Weiying was involved in this incident through the recordings in the black box of the crashed plane that Ye Fanchuan found for her. If she didn't pursue it before, it doesn't mean she didn't investigate it.

After returning from Independent Island, she has been investigating the cause of Jiqing's death.

The same is true now.

It's almost becoming her obsession.

Fallen leaves return to their roots, she must at least figure it out.

"Qiao Nian, why do you have to..." Wei Ying hadn't finished speaking.

The girl was quite impatient: "I came out with you to give you a chance to tell, you can choose not to tell, I can also find out, but it will waste some time. Of course, I found out by myself, then we should settle the score It’s not as simple as that.”

Weiying looked at her with fear and hesitation mixed in.

No matter how Qiao Nian threatened her before, she would never reveal that secret.Otherwise, not only her, but also the Wei family may suffer together.

But now she can't help it.

Weiying stared at the girl in front of her with flickering eyes, only fear and uneasiness remained in her heart.

Qiao Nian could even send Jiang Xianrou in.

The He family is also seeing destruction...

She really didn't have the confidence to think that she could carry it to the end.

After all, she had a grudge against the girl in front of her.

Even if she doesn't think about herself, she has to think about her family.

In particular, Qiao Nian was still holding onto Wei Qi's tricks. He didn't hand over all those things back then, otherwise Wei Qi would have been sentenced to life imprisonment or even more serious consequences...

Wei Ying took a deep breath.

In a short time, she had already thought clearly.

"I can tell you, but you can't tell others that I said it, otherwise the Wei family... will also suffer bad luck."

Weiying was really worried about this. Things were not going well for her during this period, and she was quite old. Her hair, which was only gray before, had already turned white, and she looked more than ten years older.

At this moment, Weiying gritted her teeth, and brought out her last trump card: "Aren't you on good terms with that kid in Weilou? The Wei family is unlucky, and he will be unlucky too. You don't want to end up like this, do you?"

Qiao Nian half-closed her eyes, rested her chin with a cold hand, didn't pour water for herself, didn't agree or disagree, and said in a calm tone, "Go ahead."

Wei Ying could only assume that she agreed, and breathed a sigh of relief.

After a pause, my scalp was tensed again, and I mustered up the courage to look at the girl sitting opposite her, and said slowly: "I just provided her itinerary schedule for Jiqing's air crash. I didn't participate in the rest , of course I am not eligible to participate.”

(End of this chapter)

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