Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1833 The First Research Institute of Independent Continent

Chapter 1833 The First Research Institute of Independent Continent
Qiao Nian didn't answer, just sat there quietly, knocking on the table with her eyes closed, waiting idly for her next words.

Weiying summoned up her courage again, bit her tongue, and finally revealed the people behind the scenes: "Yes, it was the First Research Institute of Independent Continent who contacted me."

After she finished speaking, her face was pale, and there was no blood on her lips, which showed how nervous and scared she was.

Wei Ying looked at the girl sitting opposite her again, almost lost all her strength, and said sickly: "I've told you everything I know, and I don't know the rest."


The girl pushed away the teacup in front of her, got up and stood up, ready to leave.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Wei Ying raised her heart nervously, and stopped her involuntarily: "Qiao Nian."

The girl who had strode to the door stopped, but didn't look back.

Weiying's lips trembled and her voice trembled: "I advise you not to investigate any further. It will not do you any good. Independent Island is not as simple as you think. You just went there once with Mr. Nie and the others. Even there I haven't touched the tip of the iceberg, if you fight against the Ji family and the First Research Institute, sooner or later you won't know how you died."

That is the number one research institute in Independent Continent!

Independent state season home!
Of those two, which one is more annoying?

Did she think she could afford to be provoked by an ordinary person?
The girl didn't answer her, she opened the door of the box and walked away without looking back.

Wei Ying watched her leaving back, exhausted her whole body suddenly, and slumped on the seat, unable to recover for a long time.

Outside the box.

Qiao Nian didn't stop, and left the club directly.

After she walked out of the clubhouse, she took out her mobile phone and looked down to find out where the 'First Research Institute of Independent State' was.

She used an online search on the black market.

Information that is generally not available on the Internet can be found here.

However, unexpectedly, the search result is only blank!
There is no information about the 'First Research Institute of Independent Continent' on the above, this institution seems to be non-existent, extremely mysterious.

Qiao Nian half-closed her eyes, and there was finally a hint of interest in them.

Can't find it?
Generally, if you can't find information on the Internet on the black market, it means that the water is very deep.

It seems that the First Research Institute of Independent Continent is just like what Wei Ying said, and it is not easy to mess with.

But she just likes to provoke such a difficult place.

She would like to see how difficult Ji's family and the No. [-] Research Institute of Independent Continent are, and how deep the water is!

Qiao Nian walked to the side of the road, hailed a taxi, and reported the address: "City No. [-] Hospital."

Then he sat in the back seat, lazily took out his mobile phone, found out Ji Nan's profile picture, and sent a message.

[SN: How can I get into the First Research Institute of Independent State. 】

It wasn't long after her message was sent.

Soon Ji Nan called.

Qiao Nian found the earphones, plugged them in, put one of the earphones in her ears, connected the call, and said lazily, "Hello."

"How do you know about the First Research Institute? Who did you hear from?" Ji Nan seemed to have a very cautious tone.

"I just heard what people said." Qiao Nian closed his eyes halfway, and didn't say much: "How can I get into this research institute?"

"What are you doing in the First Research Institute?" Jinan paused, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to ask.

Without waiting for Qiao Nian to answer, he lowered his voice and said, "The conditions for you to enter the First Research Institute are very strict. Anyway, you will come here tomorrow. I will tell you in detail when you arrive in Independent Island."


Qiao Nian hung up the phone, and then lowered her eyes to log in to Hongmeng's software...

(End of this chapter)

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