Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1843 Are you that miracle doctor?

Chapter 1843 Are you that miracle doctor?
Eleven hours later, the plane landed at the port airport in Independence Island.

The airport of Independence Island is adjacent to the port. The rectangular airport is built on the sea level, and at the same time, there is a shipping port next to it.

Compared with any other country's airport, it is more modern and full of technology.

The plane arrived an hour early.

Qiao Nian got off the plane, casually put the peaked cap on her head, covering her pair of pure eyes, and turned on her phone while walking outside.

She didn't have any luggage on her body, and she carried a black shoulder bag on her left shoulder all over her body. She looked more like a tourist out for a trip.

"Is it her?"

An unremarkable Buick was parked on the road opposite the Independent Island Airport. The window of the Buick co-pilot was rolled down, and a thin man was sitting inside. The man was holding a tiny telescope in his hand and was facing the direction of the airport exit. .

There was a man sitting next to him, wearing a white suit, who looked like a decent person on the outside, but a hacker-specific laptop on his lap betrayed the man's true identity—a hacker.

Hearing the words, the hacker poked his head out and looked across the road, and saw a girl with a peaked cap, all in black, and an oriental appearance coming out of the airport.He frowned, a little uncertain: "So young?"

The lean man with the binoculars chewed the gum in his mouth, and squinted at him impatiently: "I've seen it, and there was only one oriental man on the whole flight! Didn't they say that the miracle doctor came from the east? Since he is Orientals, that's right."

In fact, the hacker didn't find any information about the 'miracle doctor'. He looked at the girl who came out with her head bowed and playing with her mobile phone, and couldn't help muttering: "That's what I said, but this person is too young. Hey, the miracle doctor is so young. Are you young?"

"Never mind her. I'll find out after I've knocked him out and brought him back for questioning, so I don't need to waste time here." The thin man impatiently threw the miniature binoculars in his hand beside the seat, and opened the car door with one hand. Slightly turned his head and said to the people in the car: "Let's go!"

The hacker didn't even have time to stop him. He opened the door and got out of the car, put on his hat, and walked towards the girl across the road with his hands in his pockets.

He hesitated, and took a photo with his mobile phone in the direction of the girl on the road.

outside the airport.

As soon as Qiao Nian came out, she lowered her head and sent a message to Ji Nan, asking him to send the address.

Then she replied to Mo Dong's message, telling him that the plane arrived early, and she would go directly to her friend's place later, so that he didn't have to come to pick her up.

She just sent two messages.

Both Ji Nan and Mo Dong haven't returned her yet.

Suddenly, out of the corner of Qiao Nian's eyes, she caught a glimpse of a hand patted on her shoulder from behind.

Her reaction speed was almost thunderous, her eyes suddenly turned cold, and she dodged to the left, avoiding the hand that was patted from behind——

The girl's reaction speed is too fast.

The thin man froze for a moment, thinking he was hallucinating.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Nian put the phone back, her snow-white jaw line was cold, and the pair of black eyes under the brim of the hat were dark and deep, as if they could penetrate people's hearts.

The skinny man had received systematic training, but she stared at him like a wolf, and his momentum was a little weaker.

However, he reacted very quickly, and immediately came to his senses, staring at the girl with bloody eyes, with a half-smile expression on his face, and said in a rough voice, "Are you that genius doctor?"

(End of this chapter)

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