Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1844 Sister Nian: Who told you to come?

Chapter 1844 Sister Nian: Who told you to come?

He only saw an oriental face, no matter whether Qiao Niancheng admitted it or not, he planned to take him back first.

So without waiting for the girl to answer, he leaned closer and stretched out his hand: "Genius doctor, come with me!"

Before his hand touched Qiao Nian, it was stopped in mid-air. Almost instantly, his wrist was pinched tightly, and the wrist bone seemed to be broken.

The lean man looked at the girl who grabbed his wrist in disbelief.

The girl's delicate face was covered under the peaked cap, and she stood there lazily, pinching his wrist as if effortlessly.

"Who asked you to come?" Lazy and casual, but also a bit surly.

There was a stabbing pain in the wrist bone.

The thin man's face contorted for a moment, and a ruthless look appeared in his eyes. The expression on his face changed slightly: "I think you are young, so I kindly invited you. If you don't know how to be interesting, don't blame me for being rude!"

While he was speaking, his other hand grabbed Qiao Nian's waist at a tricky angle.

Qiao Nian didn't give him this chance at all.

The moment he made a move, his figure moved backwards, moved behind him, and with a backhand force, the hand that captured him pressed down.

Just listen to the crisp sound of 'click'.

The man's complexion changed in shock, and his back was covered in cold sweat from the pain. He couldn't hold back the sharp pain from his arm at that moment, so he let out a cry.

Then he broke free from Qiao Nian's restraint, clutched his injured arm, his expression became more gloomy, his eyes seemed to eat Qiao Nian.

He was a killer himself.

Very skilled.

Otherwise, Ji Xiao would not have found him.

He suffered a big loss this time, and he didn't dare to take it lightly. The next second he broke free from Qiao Nian's grip, he was about to take out the pistol stuffed in his pocket.

He moves quickly.

After all, after professional training, he has practiced the action of drawing a gun [-] times without doing it a thousand times, and he has long been familiar with it.

Seeing that he was about to pull it out.

At this moment, the thin man saw only a smear of darkness in front of his eyes, and he didn't see clearly how Qiao Nian came here.

His hand has been firmly held down by the girl.

"You fucking play dirty!"

He opened his eyes wide in horror, and in a hurry, he didn't finish a swear word.

Qiao Nian's moves were quick, all aimed at the most vulnerable parts of the human body.

The thin man's brow was sweating in shock, he didn't bother to draw his gun, and dodged in embarrassment.

But how fast can he flash?

Qiao Nian's shot was too fast, and there was no room for him to dodge. Qiao Nian split and kicked, aiming at the back of the man's neck with precision.

This kick can be said to have the potential of thunder!
The thin man's expression changed drastically, and he subconsciously reached out to block the kick.

But he moves too slowly.

Qiao Nian kicked him on the left side of the neck.

The thin man only felt a sharp pain in his neck, his eyes widened in astonishment, the corners of his mouth were pale, he flew out and hit the ground directly, his back felt a sharp pain.

People have fallen straight down.


"Miss Joe."

At the same time, two voices sounded from different places at the same time.

Ji Nan and Mo Dong got off the car almost at the same time and trotted over here.

Qiao Nian picked up the shoulder bag that was placed on the ground just now, patted the dust on it, and then pushed down the peaked cap. It didn't seem to be affected at all, and she was lazy, but the aura around her hadn't calmed down yet. Some surly.

Ji Nan ran over first. He looked at the man on the ground in astonishment, turned his head slightly, and asked the girl worriedly: "Are you okay? What's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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