Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1860 Candidates for the Ji family to participate in the assessment this year

Chapter 1860 Candidates for the Ji family to participate in the assessment this year

At the same time, on the first floor of the Intercontinental Hotel, Ji Xiao was also working nearby.

He was surrounded by a group of people and walked forward, but when he passed by a girl who was playing with her mobile phone with her head down, Ji Xiao couldn't help but stop.

"President Ji, what's wrong?"

As soon as Ji Xiao stopped, the group of people following him also stopped, carefully followed his gaze, only saw people coming and going in the magnificent hotel lobby, didn't see why, so they nodded and bowed to ask him.

Ji Xiao didn't answer immediately, but frowned, his sharp eyes staring straight at the direction of the elevator.

The elevator doors just closed.

He didn't have time to see if the person who just walked past was someone he knew.

"Mr. Ji, have you met someone you know?" Seeing that he had been staring in the direction of the elevator, the subordinates following him asked him carefully, "Shall we follow?"

Ji Xiao withdrew his gaze: "No, I just looked at that person a bit familiar. But that person can't appear here, I must have misread it."

"..." The people next to him looked puzzled, and looked in the direction of the elevator, but the elevator had already gone up, and they couldn't see anything.

He didn't know who Ji Xiao was talking about.

Ji Xiao had already looked normal, and walked forward first: "Let's go, Dr. Liao is still waiting for us."

He walks ahead.

The people around him followed immediately.


There is a quiet tea restaurant on the first floor of the InterContinental Hotel. The environment here is elegant, and there are separate boxes, which are very suitable for talking about things.

When Ji Xiao arrived at the tea restaurant, someone immediately came to show him the way.

He was led outside a box, knocked on the door and entered.

"Mr. Ji, you are here."

"Mr. Ji."

"Uncle Tang."

There were already several people in the box. As soon as Ji Xiao entered, the people inside stopped talking and greeted him.

Ji Xiao also changed his usual straight-faced attitude, smiled cordially, and walked up quickly to shake hands with a middle-aged man: "Dr. Liao, long time no see, long time no see."

The man he called Dr. Liao was probably in his early fifties. Not to mention his ordinary appearance, most of his hair was bald, and he wore thick glasses on the bridge of his nose. He came out wearing a white coat with the buttons buttoned to his neckline. , giving people a petty feeling.

He also extended his hand to shake Ji Xiao's hand. Although it was not flattering, he could see that his attitude towards Ji Xiao was very polite: "Mr. Ji, long time no see. I met Miss Ji at the research institute a few days ago and heard her mention But you, Mr. Ji is still as majestic as ever."

"Dr. Liao is too polite." Ji Xiao smiled, let go of his hand, and stretched out his hand, "Please sit down."

He also took off his suit jacket and put it on a chair beside him, opened the chair and sat down, then looked at the doctor sitting in the distance, and said directly: "Dr. Liao, you are from the first research institute. The three-year assessment is coming soon, do you think it is possible for the candidates we selected this year to enter the institute?"

The candidate recommended by the Ji family this year is also a member of the Ji family. Like Ji Ziyin, he belongs to the side branch, called Ji Hongfeng.

This Ji Hongfeng is Ji Xiao's nephew.

If his nephew successfully enters the First Research Institute, it will also be a help to Ji Xiao.

Of course, Ji Xiao must spare no effort to support Ji Hongfeng to enter the first research institute.

Of course, the First Research Institute is not a place he can control.

The premise is still that Ji Hongfeng must strive for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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