Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1861 No one from the Nan family should attend this year

Chapter 1861 No one from the Nan family should attend this year

This is what Ji Xiao is most satisfied with. Although Ji Hongfeng's talent in black powder is not as good as Ji Ziyin's, he is worse than Ji Ziyin because he works hard enough and has a certain talent there is great hope of entering the No. [-] Research Institute this time.

Ji Xiao hosted a special banquet today for Dr. Liao Quan from the First Research Institute to pave the way for his nephew's future.

He has already opened his mouth.

The man in the white coat didn't go around in circles: "Ji Shao is considered to be one of the most talented candidates this year. With his current strength, he has a great chance to pass the assessment."

Ji Hongfeng himself was also in the box, and he was not excited when he heard the words. He was very calm, smiled slightly, lowered his head and calmly took a sip of water.

Liao Quan was very optimistic about him, so he revealed some internal information to the two of them: "There are three families in Independence Island who can have a recommendation quota for each assessment. In previous years, the Nan family did not use this quota. It is estimated that it will be the same this year. No Nominate people. In this way, only the Ji family and the Xie family are left. Xie Yu is the one selected by the Xie family this year. Xie Yu's strength in this area should not be underestimated. Small, there is a high probability that you will fail the test this time. According to my understanding, among the remaining people this year, there is no one with outstanding strength, so Ji Shao has a great chance of passing the test this time."

Of course, it is impossible for the First Research Institute of Independent Continent to only recruit people from the three major families. Of course, other people who are not from the three major families also have the opportunity to participate in the assessment.

It's just that it is more difficult for these people to participate in the assessment, and the conditions are more stringent!
Even if they pass these harsh selection conditions, because of background reasons, the knowledge and teacher resources they have access to are definitely not as much as those from the three major families.

In this way, everyone's starting point is not the same, and it is naturally difficult for people outside the three major families to surpass those of the three major families to get the only chance to enter the first research institute!
Of course, these are not absolute.

Over the years, there are many people who are not from the three major families who were finally selected to enter the first research institute.

It's just that things are different this year.

Liao Quan went to inquire, and among the people participating in the assessment this year, there is no one who is particularly outstanding. Except for Xie Yu, Ji Hongfeng is almost the most outstanding candidate for this year's assessment.

Therefore, many people in the research institute are optimistic about Ji Hongfeng's admission this year.

"The Nan family really doesn't need to think about it..." Ji Xiao finally showed a real smile in his eyes when he heard this, happily accepted Liao Quan's words, and said to Ji Hongfeng: "The Nan family has not participated in the First Research Institute for almost 20 years. The assessment is over. This year should be the same as Dr. Liao said, and no one will participate. Hongfeng, you have to work hard, such a good opportunity is in front of you, you must seize this opportunity, or you will have to wait again After three years, you will have another chance to participate in the assessment."

The Ji family has many branches, and Ji Hongfeng is not the only one coveting the family's three-year quota.

Everyone wants this spot.

This year, only Ji Hongfeng was more likely to enter the First Research Institute, so this spot fell to Ji Hongfeng.

If Ji Hongfeng didn't seize this opportunity, who would represent Ji's family to participate in the assessment in the next three years?
Ji Xiao certainly hoped that this opportunity would be in his own hands.

This is also the reason why he specially asked Ji Ziyin to invite Liao Quan over through Ji Ziyin.

(End of this chapter)

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