Chapter 1867 Ji Ziyin Frustrated

at this time.

The screen of Qiao Nian's phone on the table lit up again.

This time it's not a short message.

Instead, a phone call came in.

She paused with her fingertips, moved away from the computer mouse, took the mobile phone aside, and looked down.When he saw clearly who was calling, a trace of surprise flashed across his exquisite face, but he still answered: "Hello."

Ji Xiao rushed all the way to Ji Ziyin's residence.

Ji Ziyin is not from the direct line of the Ji family, even if Ji Lingfeng attaches great importance to her, according to the rules of the Ji family, Ji Ziyin cannot live in the Ji family's manor.

So Ji Ziyin has a place to live outside.

She lives in a high-end residence in the center of Independence Island all year round. The residence is fully enclosed and the security is very strict.

The iris system is required to verify identity when entering and exiting the door.

Except for those who live here, it is difficult for outsiders to enter.

Of course, people who can live here are not cheap.

Ji Ziyin, as the most favored member of the Ji family's younger generation, is of course qualified to live here.

Ji Xiao had entered the verification information with her before, so he went straight to Ji Ziyin's residence without hindrance.

Ring the bell at the door.


The door opened.

"Mr. Ji."

Ji Xiao hummed, walked inside, and asked the servant, "Where's Ziyin?"

The servant stepped sideways to make way for him, watched his eyes and nose, and didn't dare to speak nonsense, so he replied falteringly: "Small, the lady is in the bedroom, and the doctor is also inside."

Ji Xiao paused as he walked in, turned around in astonishment, his eyes were sharp: "Doctor, what doctor? Why is the doctor here? Is she sick?"

"No. Miss, she..." The servant didn't know how to tell him, and led him to Ji Ziyin's room: "Mr. Ji will know after going to see it."

Inside the room.

Ji Ziyin's personal doctor was treating the wound on her back inside. Her back was torn apart by the whip, and the room was filled with the smell of blood. The smell of blood mixed with the smell of disinfectant was particularly pungent.

When Ji Xiao came in, the doctor had already reached the last step.

He was carefully doing the final dressing for Ji Ziyin who was lying on the sofa.


The back was full of burning pain, even if Ji Ziyin could bear it, she couldn't help but gasp in pain.

The doctor felt pain even looking at it, so he could only comfort her softly: "Miss Ji, just bear with it, and you will be fine soon."

Ji Ziyin had a pale face, and her bright eyes were full of forbearance. She lay there, biting her lips tightly, but did not say a word.

Ji Xiao was brought over by his servant, looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't interrupt the doctor to bandage Ji Ziyin for a while.

He found a corner and stood to the side and waited.

Half an hour passed.

The doctor finally applied medicine to Ji Ziyin's back wound, temporarily bandaged it with white gauze, and carefully instructed Ji Ziyin, who was sweating profusely from the pain, some precautions.Then the doctor packed his things with great insight, took the medical box, greeted Ji Xiao, and left first...

Ji Xiao waited for the servant to send the doctor out when the door slammed outside.

He just walked over and asked the person who barely sat up on the sofa: "Zi Yin, what's going on? How did you get hurt so badly?"

Ji Ziyin was wearing a coat, her face was haggard, and her breath was a little unstable: "Nan Tianyi brought the killer from the Wolf Head Society to the family to explain, and the patriarch asked me to go to the punishment hall to receive 50 lashes."

(End of this chapter)

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