Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1868 Forget about that Qiao Nian, the first research institute is more important

Chapter 1868 Forget about Qiao Nian, the First Research Institute is more important

Ji Xiao turned pale with shock: "How could it be? The patriarch..."

"Heh, that person insisted that I ordered him to do it. All the elders in the clan are there, and the clan leader can't possibly shield me." Ji Ziyin lowered her eyes, her pupils were fierce, and she spoke slowly, speaking lightly, but Only she knew in her heart that Ji Lingfeng's attitude towards her had become colder.

She was a little annoyed, and before Ji Xiao could ask again, she raised her eyes and said, "Second Uncle, do you need me?"

Ji Xiao originally wanted to ask her, but was distracted by Ji Ziyin's words, so he forgot the question he wanted to ask, and instead remembered the purpose of his visit: "Qiao Nian."

Ji Ziyin pulled up her clothes, supported herself and picked up the medicine on the table, ready to take one.

Suddenly I heard Ji Xiao mention a familiar name.

Ji Ziyin's pretty face froze, and she immediately looked at him.

Ji Xiao didn't keep it secret either: "I met her when I was having dinner with Dr. Liao at the Intercontinental Hotel. She was alone, with no one around, and seemed to be staying at the InterContinental Hotel."

"You read it wrong." Ji Ziyin couldn't believe that people who were supposed to be in Beijing came to Independent Island in the blink of an eye.

Independent Island is not a tourist attraction, not a place where anyone can come if they want.

But Ji Xiao was extremely sure: "I can see clearly that it is her! It's hard to admit she's a person once you've seen her. I came here to look for you when I saw her clearly."

"..." Ji Ziyin was speechless now.

Ji Xiao walked across from her and found a seat for himself to sit down.After sitting down, I looked at Ji Ziyin, very puzzled: "Ziyin, do you know how she came to Independent Island?"

Ji Ziyin had nothing to say for a while.

How could she know why Qiao Nian came to Independent Island, she didn't even get the news before!
Ji Ziyin is an activist.

She has always done more than talk.

Immediately call He Congming.

He Congming answered the phone, but he didn't seem to know that Qiao Nian had come to Independent Continent at all, and asked her, how could Qiao Nian go to Independent Continent as an outsider?

Ji Ziyin didn't ask anything and could only hang up the phone.

She and Ji Xiao are staring at each other, but haven't found any useful information for the time being.

At this time, Ji Ziyin's phone rang.

She saw that it was a call from the First Research Institute, and hurriedly endured the pain in her back and walked aside to answer the phone: "Hello?"

Ji Xiao only heard her calm and calm 'Hi', and his tone changed.

"There is one more quota for registration? Who? The Nan family?! How is it possible? They haven't participated in the assessment of the First Research Institute for almost 20 years. What happened this time? Well... Dr. Liao, do you know who the other party is?" Ji Ziyin's expression turned ugly, and she said after a long time, "I see."

She returned after answering the phone.

Before Ji Xiao asked her.

Ji Ziyin said with a serious face: "The news from the First Research Institute just now said that the Nan family has also signed up for the assessment this year. For the time being, no one has found out who they signed up for."

In recent years, the Nan family has become more and more unwilling to participate in the disputes in the Independent Continent. They are like invisible people and have no sense of existence.

But after all, the Nan family is one of the three major families in Independence Continent. After many years, the Nan family participated in the assessment of the First Research Institute again... No matter who the Nan family selected, this news is enough to make people dread it!

Ji Xiao was also very surprised: "Didn't the Nan family never participate in these things?"

"Who knows what they're thinking this time." Ji Ziyin's eyes drooped, covering the dark eyes: "Second Uncle, put Qiao Nian's matter aside for now, the assessment of the First Research Institute is more important."

(End of this chapter)

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