Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1869 I want SUN to check that person's information

Chapter 1869 I want SUN to check that person's information
"It's not convenient for me to come forward about this matter, you can find someone to inquire about who the Nan family is nominating today, so that Ji Hongfeng can make preparations earlier." Ji Ziyin's eyes were cold: "We know ourselves and our enemies, and we can win every battle! "

"I see." Ji Xiao clearly differentiated the priorities of the matter. The number of places in the First Research Institute is very important to them, and it is related to many of their follow-up plans, so nothing can go wrong!
He nodded, his expression slightly pale, apparently relieved.

Ji Ziyin took a deep breath, feeling even worse, a little gloomy.He clenched his palms tightly, feeling irritable, and his voice gradually sank: "It seems that this assessment is very lively..."

The news that the Nan family once again participated in the assessment of the First Research Institute after 20 years seemed to have wings, and almost all the major forces in the Independent Continent received this explosive news.

All forces in Independent Continent are investigating who the Nan family has elected this year.

However, the First Research Institute has not announced the list, and it is almost impossible for the major forces to start from the Institute.

But it is impossible to make them give up to investigate.

Therefore, on the surface, Independent Continent looks as calm as usual, but in fact, there are undercurrents surging in private.

This undercurrent not only affected the Independent Continent, but even the illegal area was affected by the undercurrent.

The number of orders for Hacking League and Hongmeng has skyrocketed recently.

They are all commissioned to investigate this assessment list.

The hacker alliance took an order, but found nothing. After they refunded the money, they will no longer accept similar orders.

Others pin their hopes on the Hongmeng, which is more powerful than the Hacking League.

Especially the hacker king of Hongmeng - SUN.

If SUN is willing to check, he will definitely have the opportunity to find out the information of that person.

The prices of the orders issued by the major forces on the Independent Continent are getting higher and higher day by day. In less than half a month, the prices have climbed to ten figures.

Looking at the hacker world, this is already the price of the ceiling!
It's just that despite the exorbitant price being offered outside, Sun has no intention of accepting the order at all.

In addition, Sun's whereabouts are treacherous and mysterious.

People outside couldn't contact her, so they could only try to impress the uncrowned king of the hacker world by constantly increasing the price.

At the same time, Qiao Nian just finished acupuncture for Xie Tingyun.

After just two hours of acupuncture, Xie Tingyun's whole body was drenched with sweat. Her sideburns and hair stuck to her cheeks, and her gentle eyes were filled with warmth. Although her body was a little tired, Xie Tingyun still smiled and talked to the girl. Thank you: "Miss Qiao, thank you."

Qiao Nian put the acupuncture bag in her schoolbag, and said to her politely, "It's okay, you should have a good rest."

Qiao Nian zipped up, raised her eyes, and said to her calmly, "I'm busy for the next week, so I'll temporarily stop your acupuncture treatment. But I've prescribed medicine for you, and you can just take it on time."

There is still one week before the assessment of the First Research Institute of Independent Continent will start. She is not a conceited person, and she must do the same preparations.

Qiao Nian told her a few things to pay attention to, picked up the shoulder bag and prepared to go out.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Xie Tingyun subconsciously stopped her for some reason: "Miss Qiao!"

"Huh?" The girl had a good temper, and stopped again, her talking eyes seemed to ask her what's the matter.

Xie Tingyun looked at the girl's beautiful eyes, and as if thinking of something, his heart softened, and he said softly, "I heard that you are going to be admitted to the First Research Institute, is that right?"

Qiao Nian was slightly taken aback, but if another person asked her, she might not have such a good temper to answer.

But she looked at Xie Tingyun on the hospital bed, her usual arrogant eyebrows were restrained, and her attitude was very good: "Well, I just signed up."

(End of this chapter)

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