Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1870 Ji Nan: What, I was rejected?

Chapter 1870 Ji Nan: What, I was rejected?

"The first research institute is not easy to enter, are you ready?"

Xie Tingyun seemed to be very familiar with the First Research Institute. Without waiting for the girl to answer, she supported herself and stood up: "Just wait for me."

She went to the bookshelf, took a few books and returned them, stuffing the books into the girl's hands: "These are professional books used in the assessment meeting, and there are notes I took on them. Read it first, if there is anything you don't understand, there are some books that you don't understand. I said, let me tell you again."

Afraid that Qiao Nian would not want it, she insisted on stuffing it into her arms.

Qiao Nian only glanced at the books. They were basically books related to nuclear principles + black powder. There were also two hard-shell notebooks, which were the notes Xie Tingyun had collected before.

She pursed her lips and didn't know how to speak for a while, so she just whispered 'thank you' to her.

Xie Tingyun pursed her lips and smiled, and Shen Ke's sickly face became brighter. She knew that Qiao Nian would definitely go back and speed up preparations for the assessment, so she urged her to go out quickly.


When Qiao Nian went out, she happened to meet Nan Tianyi who was about to go in.

Nan Tianyi's expression was gentle, and his attitude was very kind: "Miss Qiao, are you ready to go back? Do you want me to send you off?"

Qiao Nian doesn't stay in the hotel now, so she pulled down the shoulder bag strap, and politely rejected his offer: "No, my friend came to pick me up."

Nan Tianyi immediately smiled and said, "Is your boyfriend here?"

Qiao Nian was quite calm at first, until he heard his slightly teasing 'your boyfriend', his expression was slightly uncomfortable.

She paused, her tone was soft, and she didn't deny it: "Well, he's waiting for me outside."

Nan Tianyi had long guessed that the person who had been waiting outside for Qiao Nian to go out half a month ago was her boyfriend.

Qiao Nian could be heard admitting the identity of that person.

Nan Tianyi pondered for a while, but still hesitated to say: "...Miss Qiao, in fact, Ji Nan is not bad."

"Huh? What's good?" Qiao Nian didn't realize what he meant at the first time, and was a little careless.

When she understood the meaning of Nan Tianyi's words, a string in the back of her head suddenly tensed, and she said without thinking, "No, I don't have that kind of relationship with him."

She and Ji Nan...

When Qiao Nianguang thought of that scene, goosebumps popped up all over his body: "...It's impossible for me and Ji Nan, and it will never be possible!"

Impossible forget it.

She also added the word 'forever'.

Nan Tianyi felt a little regretful, but he respected Qiao Nian's thoughts, smiled slightly, and nodded gently: "I also think that kid is not good enough for you."

"It's not this problem..." Qiao Nian didn't know how to explain it to him, the main thing was that it was hard to explain.

She and Ji Nan don't have that kind of relationship!
She believed that Ji Nan didn't mean that either.

Nan Tianyi got it wrong: "I know, you don't have to be embarrassed, I'll just mention it casually, and I won't tell that kid that he was rejected by you."

"..." Qiao Nian was very irritable, her eyes were full of dryness, and she was blocked by him, and she didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Ye Wangchuan's call came in at this time.

Qiao Nian used the excuse of answering the phone to talk to Nan Tianyi and left quickly.

Nan Tianyi watched the girl leave, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Ji Nan who was lying on the gun thousands of miles away.

When Ji Nan received the news, he was waking up. He had just taken a sip of water from his home glass, and before he could swallow it, he saw the text message from Nan Tianyi.

[You were rejected. 】

"Pfft!" He spat out a mouthful of water, looked carefully several times, and made sure that his eyesight was fine, and his little uncle's message was indeed 'he was rejected'.

Ji Nan rubbed his temples with his hands, covered his face, and stared at his phone, thinking about it, but didn't understand why he was rejected because he never confessed his love to anyone.

How did you refuse?
Who turned him down?
(End of this chapter)

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