Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1873 Wangye: You can't get in

Chapter 1873 Wangye: You can't get in
Mo Dong and Mo Xi knew why.

Especially Mo Dong, every time Qiao Nian just responded lightly, his ears felt hot and his cheeks ached slightly.

After all, he had clearly looked down on Qiao Nian back then.

Later, he was slapped in the face when he found out that Qiao Nian destroyed the network system of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance by himself.

"What time do you plan to go to the research institute?" Ye Fanchuan walked past the two of them to the dining table, pulled away the chair on Qiao Nian's left and sat down.

Gu San put a piece of toast and a cup of cold-brew black coffee in front of him, and said softly, "My Lord, your coffee."

"Yeah." Ye Wangchuan looked at the girl with deep inkstone-like eyes, picked up the coffee cup and lowered his head to take a sip, then said, "I'll take you there later."

"I'll go too." Qin Si interjected immediately, scratching his head: "I also want to go and see what the First Research Institute looks like. Sister Qiao, doesn't it affect you? If it does, I won't go."

Bao Jingxing took a sip of warm water unhurriedly, and said softly, "If you all go, I want to see it too."

Ye Wangchuan cast a slanted glance at the two of them.

Bao Jingxing lowered his head very 'coincidentally' and just missed his glance.

Qin Si saw it, but he obviously pretended to be 'blind'.

He really wanted to visit the First Research Institute.

At this moment, Gu San also coughed at the side, and answered in embarrassment: "Master Wang, why don't I drive?"

This means that he wants to go too!

But in the blink of an eye, the originally planned one-person team to take the exam instantly grew into four people. Ye Wangchuan was so thoughtful that he couldn't help but twitch his lips.Subconsciously looked in Qiao Nian's direction, as if asking for her opinion.

Qiao Nian had already finished eating a whole piece of toast and drank half a glass of milk, but she couldn't drink the remaining half glass, so she simply put it on the table and leaned back in the chair, very casually: "No influences."

Ye Wangchuan put his hand on this forehead, and gave Qin Si a cold swishing glance: "If you go, you won't be able to visit the First Research Institute. Not everyone can enter the First Research Institute. There is strict access control, and you don't have the iris verification system entered. If you can’t get in, getting in is illegal trespassing.”

"It doesn't matter, we'll wait outside."

Qin Si was not that interested in the First Research Institute, he wanted to follow him mainly to see where Qiao Nian would take the assessment next.

He wanted to see how awesome the Independent State First Research Institute was.

Now that Qiao Nian finished her breakfast, she pulled away the chair and said to the people at the dining table in a loud voice, "I'll go get the bag."

Ye Wangchuan nodded lightly, and also got up: "I'll go get the car out."

The First Research Institute of Independent Continent is divided into two parts, one is the external office area, and the other is underground, consisting of many laboratories.

The place where Qiao Nian is going to register today belongs to the external area of ​​the First Research Institute, and it is only a small area.

Even so, when the bus arrived at the registration location, Qiao Nian was still amazed by the futuristic building in front of him.

The oval-shaped dome building is different from the architectural style of any country, and it is a very unique architectural style of its own.

The black high-tech material used for the exterior wall of the building is all glass, but it is impossible to see the inside from the outside.

The door is also a typical iris verification.

But today someone was outside to receive the applicants, so there were quite a lot of people, and there were cars parked outside from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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