Chapter 1874 This is outrageous!

Ye Wangchuan parked the car, put his hands on the steering wheel, turned his head, and asked the girl in a gentle voice, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Qiao Nian glanced in his direction, not knowing what he was thinking, and then untied the seat belt on his body: "No, my friend said he would come and take me in to go through the formalities."

"Yeah." Ye Wangchuan didn't ask her which friend.

I saw the girl push the door and get out of the car, stood beside the car, made a phone call and went out.

After a while, a slender figure quickly walked towards them, while greeting the girl enthusiastically: "Big baby~ I've been waiting for you for half an hour, why did you come here?"

She walked up to Qiao Nian, didn't notice the car next to her, grabbed the girl's arm and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to sign up."

"Wait a minute." Qiao Nian told her.

Under Zhou Zhou's puzzled gaze, she turned back to the passenger seat and knocked on the window.

Ye Wangchuan rolled down the car window, and the girl said to him naturally: "I'll go in and sign up first."

Zhou Zhou had heard that Qiao Nian asked her to wait a while, but she just waited obediently, but Qiao Nian ran to knock on the window of his car.

The window of the car was rolled down, and there was a young man sitting inside...

Judging by the way the two talked, it seemed that their relationship was not ordinary!
I grass!

Zhou Zhou's whole body is not well.

Because she never thought that someone like Qiao Nian would fall in love, she always thought that such a bigwig with an IQ would most likely end up alone in this life...

Who knew that they found a partner silently!
Zhou Zhou was about to crack, and she suspected that she had read it wrong, but she blinked hard and looked again, Qiao Nian was still talking to the man sitting in the car.

This... fucking outrageous!

And why does this object of SUN look familiar to her, she seems to have seen it somewhere.

Where is the problem?
"...Come out and send me a message, I'll wait for you outside." Ye Wangchuan told her a few words and said.

"I know." The girl lowered her eyes, her crow-black eyelashes were thick and long, her facial features looked extremely clear, and her brows and eyes always showed a trace of impatience.

But at this moment, she restrained her surly spirit, her face was hidden under the peaked cap, and she looked delicate and fair: "I may need to spend some time."

Ye Wangchuan hooked her fingers to feel the temperature of her fingertips, and found that it was a bit cold, then tied the scarf in the car for her, buried the girl's chin in the scarf, and then let go, his eyes clear: "It's okay, I'll wait for you outside, as long as I want."

Qiao Nian glanced at him and moved her lips. She originally wanted to say that there is no need to wait, or they should go back first.Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the woman beside him who had been staring dumbfounded, and he had a terrible headache, so he glanced at him and hummed.

Turning around, I said to the people who had been watching me for a long time: "Let's go."

The slender woman looked inside the car curiously, greeted Ye Fanchuan flirtatiously, and said, "Handsome guy, let's go."

Then, without waiting for Ye Wangchuan to speak, she followed the girl's pace and quickly walked to the first research institute...

Until the two walk away.

Bao Jingxing couldn't help but be convinced, and sighed: "Ms. Qiao is indeed Ms. Qiao. She has a wide network, and everyone in the First Research Institute knows everyone."

He is more aware of the situation in Independent Continent. He knows how awesome the First Research Institute is. The people in the First Research Institute have extraordinary identities in Independent Continent.

Qiao Nian obviously has an unusual relationship with that person just now, at least he is a very close friend.

 PS: Guess why Zhou Zhou felt familiar at the first sight of Wang Ye
(End of this chapter)

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