Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1907 Slap in the face, he represents the Nan family!

Chapter 1907 Slap in the face, he represents the Nan family!
Until Ji Ziyin broke Qiao Nian's grades, the lounge was completely exploded like the big lecture hall before.

It was like water droplets falling into a pan of oil, talking in a hurry.

"I'll go! Level 8!"

"I suspected level 6 experiments before, but I didn't expect her to do the most difficult level 8 experiments. I'm going crazy."

"My God, it turned out to be a level 8 experiment."


He Lin was also shocked, and everyone was numb: "Qiao read the level 8 experiment she did?"

Ji Ziyin took a deep breath, looked at him again, and what she said next gave He Lin a bigger shock: "It is said that she has achieved 100% completion."

Level 8 experiment, 100% completion, what kind of concept is this!
The First Research Institute has never achieved such a heaven-defying result.

He Lin shook his hands in surprise, and suddenly understood why the First Research Institute did not publish Qiao Nian's results.

A person who hasn't gone through any systematic study can already complete the 8-level experimental simulation questions, and get a million-hundredth degree of completion...

This is absolute genius!
It's good that this kind of unborn genius doesn't show up. Once it is known, it will cause a sensation in the existence of Independent Continent.

No wonder, no wonder even the First Research Institute has to cover up the grades.

"She, she actually has this kind of talent." The muscles on He Lin's face were trembling, and his excited eyes burst out with frantic light, completely unable to conceal his excitement.

This is from their Ji family.

The blood of the Ji family's direct line!
But Ji Ziyin pulled him into the bottom of the valley in an instant: "Yeah, I didn't expect her to have such a talent. The number of places to enter the research institute this year will be cheaper than Nan's family."

"Cheap Nan's family?" He Lin was stunned from extreme ecstasy, and looked at Ji Ziyin.

Ji Ziyin was also looking at him, but she couldn't see anything unusual: "That's right, Qiao Nian represented the Nan family in the assessment of the No. 20 research institute. She entered the research institute, and the Nan family will return to the No. [-] research institute after [-] years." It's a pity that Ji Hongfeng's grades are good, but this time he encountered such a heaven-defying result."

With Ji Hongfeng's grades, he entered the first research institute steadily in the past, but this time he failed to return, which is somewhat uncomfortable.

"..." He Lin was more than just uncomfortable. His heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were almost squeezed together, and he couldn't accept the reality at all.

He just went to visit Kaixin, and completely forgot that Qiao Nian represented the Nan family, not the Ji family!

He Lin seemed to have fallen from heaven to hell, the strong sense of loss in his heart made him more uncomfortable than Qiao Nian's first round of examination results.

Such a genius is obviously from their Ji family, and is also the blood of the direct line.

It should be the Ji family who is enjoying the glory at this moment.

It turned out to be Nanjia!
In the waiting room, everyone was talking about No.1's incredible results.

Some people talked about Qiao Nian's achievements, and naturally some people mentioned the Nan family that Qiao Nian represented this time, and there was nothing but admiration and admiration for the Nan family in their words.

When He Lin heard these discussions, every word was like a sarcastic knife cutting his heart, and his heart was bleeding.

He couldn't care about Ji Hongfeng who hadn't come out of the research institute anymore, and hurriedly said to Ji Ziyin: "I suddenly remembered that there are still some things I haven't finished. Miss Ji, you wait here, I'll go first One step away."

Ten minutes later, Qiao Nian left the lecture hall.

She had to pack her things, so she was the last one to go.

As soon as she left the amphitheater, several lab leaders sighed: "I'm afraid this year's recruitment assessment will be recorded in history..."

(End of this chapter)

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