Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1908 I have to show the results to several other responsible persons

Chapter 1908 I have to show the results to several other responsible persons
The person who spoke was the person in charge of the level 2 laboratory. He was more optimistic about Ji Hongfeng's admission to the research institute.

He also took the lead to check the results of Ji Hongfeng's simulation experiment.

At that time, Ji Hongfeng was also given a higher degree of completion.

"Except for the deceased genius of Ji's family, the Institute hasn't produced anyone with this level of talent for a long time."

He was in a turbulent mood today, and he didn't hold back some words, and said them out of his mouth.

As soon as he said this, those who knew the inside story immediately looked at him and told him to stop talking.

While looking at the back of the girl leaving, he couldn't help sighing: "It's a pity, such a person is not from Independent Continent."

Qiao Nian is from Country Z.

Although Independent Continent is very inclusive, after all, any region hopes to train its own people. Qiao Nian is not from Independent Continent, which is probably the biggest regret of several laboratory leaders.

Gu Hengbo was expressionless, and interrupted them indifferently; "The higher authorities have temporarily suppressed her grades, and it depends on who she is assigned to after entering the research institute. Or it depends on how she chooses, choose which laboratory."

The first institute can assign labs.

Of course, those who can come in are also eligible to choose the laboratory they want to go to.

If the laboratory does not accept it, it will be assigned.

For Qiao Nian's grades, there is a high probability that she is the only one who chooses the lab, not the major labs who choose her...

Zhou Zhou has been leaning on the side to play with her mobile phone and send messages. She sent an emoticon pack of 'kneeling' to the person whose comment is sun.

The other party may not have looked at the phone yet, and has not responded to her yet.

She didn't care, after she sent a 'kneeling' emoticon, she sent the other party a 'hugging thigh' emoticon.

Zhou Zhou posted two emojis in a row, feeling a little real in her heart. She silently put the phone back in her pocket, raised her eyes and said to a few people: "Let's go, first show the results to the other experiments. The person in charge of the office has seen it before talking."

The other laboratory leaders she mentioned were the level 6-8 laboratory leaders who did not come to observe the second round of assessment.

Under normal circumstances, there is no need to show these results to the heads of laboratories at levels 6-8, and they don't even bother to see them.

But this time is not the usual situation...

The sky-defying results of sun may impress the heads of the 6-8 labs. As a friend, Zhou Zhou will of course spare no effort to help this favor, and give it another push.

"Hmm." The other persons in charge had no objection.

Gu Hengbo wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, and left the lecture hall with Zhou Zhou.

Outside the institute, Qiao Nian just walked out.

The phone vibrated twice.

She casually took out her phone and looked down. It was a WeChat message from Zhou Zhou.

She clicked on it, and saw two cartoon characters knelt down and hugged their thighs on the screen. They were still the image of a shy muscular macho. At first glance, it was Zhou Zhou's funny emoticons that he got somewhere.

After reading it, Qiao Nian didn't reply to this kind of WeChat that just swipes the screen.

She didn't go very far.

Qin Si's excited voice sounded outside: "Sister Qiao, here."

Qiao Nian put the phone back, raised her eyelids, and saw Qin Si leaning against the side of the car and waving to her.

Qiao Nian put his hands in the pockets of the short windbreaker, and strode towards him with a carefree look.

(End of this chapter)

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