Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1909 The Ji Family Wants to Recognize Sister Nian

Chapter 1909 The Ji Family Wants to Recognize Sister Nian Back

After the recruitment list of the First Research Institute was finalized this year, the major forces in the Independent Continent received the news immediately.

"Qiao Nian? Who is Qiao Nian? Shouldn't Ji Hongfeng or Xie Yu pass the examination this year? Where did this Qiao Nian come from?"

As soon as the list came out, almost all major forces were wondering who the person who defeated Ji Hongfeng and Xie Yu was.

They quickly connected the names on the list with the names of the people who represented the Nan family in the assessment of the First Research Institute that had been exposed before.

In addition, Qiao Nian's assessment results were too heaven-defying.

Even if the First Research Institute intentionally kept her second-round results secret, none of these forces who could get ahead in Independent Continent had a few contacts of their own, and soon everyone found out about the results of the rookie king this time.

Passing the first round with full marks is already very BT.

Those who inquired about Qiao Nian's grades never expected that she would get 8% completion in the second round of 100-level simulation test questions.

Now the word "Qiao Nian" began to spread among the various forces in the Independent Continent like a prairie fire.

For such a genius who turned out to be born out of nowhere, all forces are ready to move, trying to win him into their circle first.

at the same time.

The Ji family held a rare internal family meeting.

The main hall masters of Ji's family arrived at the meeting point early, sat in their respective seats, couldn't hold back their emotions, and chatted enthusiastically.

They are all members of the Ji family.

Even if they are not from the direct line, they are also respected seniors from the side line.

These people control all the big and small forces of the Ji family, and they are the real people of the Ji family.

At this moment, these old men who are always carrying their hands are whispering to each other, with an unconcealable look of excitement on their faces.

He Lin served tea for each of them, and respectfully placed the teacups on the table in front of everyone.

Soon, Ji Lingfeng arrived.

Ji Lingfeng sat at the top.

As soon as he arrived, the entire conference room fell silent.

He Lin also brought him a cup of freshly brewed tea, then pushed it aside, and stood silently in a corner not far away.

Ji Lingfeng picked up the teacup, lowered his head and took a sip of tea before raising his head. There was no unnecessary expression on Junya's face, and he said slowly: "Uncles, you should know why I asked you to come here. I want to hear your opinions. .”

As soon as he opened his mouth, someone below couldn't sit still.

Immediately said: "Patriarch, that Qiao Nian is the blood of our Ji family. There is no reason for the blood of our Ji family to enter the research institute on behalf of the Nan family. We must recognize him back!"

What he said hit everyone's heart.

In any other situation, these people may not be willing to admit a bumpkin who did not grow up in Independent Island back.

After all, the threshold for Ji's family in Independent Continent is high, and there are so many people staring at them. If they recognize a bumpkin who didn't know where he grew up and come back, saying that he is the direct blood of Ji's family living outside, those forces outside don't know how to make a joke. them.

They would rather hold a talented offshoot than admit such a shameful direct descendant back.

It's different now.

Qiao Nian is now the favorite of the major forces in the Independent Continent. Such a genius who turned out to be a member of their Ji family will have face when he speaks out.

They didn't want Qiao Nian to return to the family for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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