Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1924 Master Wang already knew

Chapter 1924 Master Wang already knew


Wei Lou was also in the Beijing circle, so he asked a friend he knew well, and soon found out that Ye Wangchuan was not in the capital either.

He smiled wryly, but it was hard to let go after all.

On the other side, Ye Wangchuan did not follow today.

However, his contacts in Independent Island had been all over the world, and he knew what Ji Hongyuan was looking for Qiao Nian almost immediately, and what Ji Hongyuan threatened Qiao Nian at the restaurant of the Intercontinental Hotel.

He pondered for a moment, didn't ask the girl if there was such a thing, but contacted Ye Lan immediately, and asked Ye Lan to look at Jiang's house.

Especially Jiang Li, Mr. Jiang and Jiang Zongjin.

As for the other members of the Jiang family, he didn't specifically mention it to Ye Lan on the phone, so he probably just let Ye Lan take a closer look.

Although Ye Lan didn't know what to do, but Ye Wangchuan had always been secretive in his work. After she discussed with Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye came forward to transfer a lot of people out.

Mr. Ye's attack must be more powerful and reliable than that of Wei Lou, a junior.

Not to mention that the main forces of the Ji family are distributed in Independent Continent, even if Ji Hongyuan is in Beijing, he probably won't be able to touch the Jiang family he calls under the noses of the Ye family and the Wei family...

Of course, all of this was done in private without telling Mr. Jiang and Jiang Zongjin.

Jiang Zongjin thought until now that Qiao Nian had gone back to surround the city.

He knew that Qiao Nian had a good relationship with Aunt Chen's family, and as a father, he didn't want to disturb him. He didn't call Qiao Nian during this time, but just cared about him on WeChat every day, asking if Qiao Nian was going around the city. To be happy, and to give Qiao Nian a red envelope.

One per day.

All transfers of 9999+.

The words that are often on his lips are to let Qiao Nian buy more clothes, hang out with friends more, and don't worry about running out of money.

He himself began to find time to take over part of the Jiang family's property under the guidance of Mr. Jiang.

He did this with the intention of paving the way for Qiao Nian's future...

After all, Qiao Nian may stay in Beijing to develop in the future, he can't let his daughter have no inheritance after graduation, and have to work hard from scratch.

As for Qiao Nian not going to take the final exam this year and taking a year off from school, Jiang Zongjin has always been open to it, and her daughter will do whatever she wants.

Qiao Nian wanted to take a year off from school, so he discussed professional matters with Nie Mi, so he didn't talk too much about it.

Do things quietly.


In Independent Island, Ye Wangchuan made a phone call to Ye Lan, then turned back, picked up the car keys on the table and said to the few people who were still playing in the living room: "I'll go out for a while."

Gu San was originally dragged by Qin Si, but when he saw that he was holding the car keys in his hand, he immediately put down his phone: "Master Wang, let me go together."

"No need." Ye Wangchuan didn't let him follow, and after saying a few words to Bao Jingxing, he left the residence.

He first went shopping in the shopping mall in Independent Island, picked a gift, then left the mall, and called the girl outside the mall.

His voice was low and hoarse: "Where is it?"

Qiao Nian was in a coffee shop not far outside the Intercontinental Hotel. She looked at the sidewalk outside and reported the address.

Ye Wangchuan received the address she said, hummed, his eyes were downcast and charming: "I'll go pick you up."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Walking to a black coupe parked by the side of the road, opened the door, got in the car, turned the car around, and then stepped on the accelerator to drive to the address the girl just reported...

(End of this chapter)

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