Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1925 A better group has 1.3.6 groups

Chapter 1925 A better group has 1.3.6 groups

In the open-air cafe, Zhou Zhou's long hair was shawl, and the maroon curly hair hung down smoothly, setting off her flaming red lips, and her pair of peach blossom eyes were extremely charming.

"... Now the grouping results are out, sorry, Sun, I didn't get you a good result." She was talking to the girl sitting across from her.

The girl was playing with her mobile phone, sitting like a big guy, with one hand pressing down on the screen of her mobile phone. Hearing this, she raised her head. The delicate and eye-catching face under the brim of her hat was very willful: "It's okay."

Qiao Nian put the phone back on the table, looked up at her, and said, "Really, I didn't worry about it, and you shouldn't worry about it either."

Seeing that she really didn't take it to heart, Zhou Zhou couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. With a charming smile on his oval face, he stretched out his hand to gracefully pick up the coffee cup in front of him. Before drinking, he stopped and asked the girl, "I want to accompany you to study tomorrow. Was it reported?"

The screen of Qiao Nian's cell phone that was left on the table lit up, and she glanced at the new messages on WeChat. With her chin resting on her hand, she replied absent-mindedly: "No need, I'll just go by myself. You'll be more eye-catching if you go with me. Newcomers , don’t be too eye-catching, afraid of being targeted.”

"Puchi." Zhou Zhou couldn't help laughing, looking at her with his eyes, suspecting that she was up to something: "Boss, your test result is not eye-catching enough?! I don't think you have ever been afraid at all. There is something you are afraid of... I don't believe it..."

Don't say she doesn't believe it.

She guessed that no one in the black mandala believed what Qiao read.

This is too much to say.

A person who single-handedly founded the Red League + Black Mandala at a young age is sitting here crossing his legs and telling her that he is afraid of being targeted... Tsk!

Zhou Zhou smacked his lips, feeling sore, but he began to talk to the girls about some precautions of the institute: "After you go to the institute to report tomorrow, there will be a group. This group is different from the grading. This is how many points you will get. It is more convenient for you to form a team to complete some large and complex experiments."

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows. Obviously, she didn't expect it to be so troublesome to enter a research institute, and she had to be assessed and graded.After grading, there are so-called groups...

She has always been afraid of trouble, and her tone seemed a little impatient: "Can I do it alone without dividing into groups?"

"There is no precedent for a single person in the research institute." Zhou Zhou's expression eased, and Wen Sheng said to her: "Newcomers have this step, it's just a group, and it won't be too troublesome. It depends on which one you are assigned to." Groups. Among the newcomers, there are now better groups 1, 3, and 6. The members of these three groups are relatively outstanding among the newcomers. One of the most outstanding groups is formed by one of the three major families in the Independent Continent. Ji's family leads the team, I don't know if you've heard of's that Ji Ziyin, she's also a student of Gu Hengbo, the head of the Level 5 laboratory."

It's Ji Ziyin again...

Qiao Nian put her hands on the table and said casually, "I haven't heard of it."

She is not interested in Ji's family, she has never heard of it and she doesn't want to know!

At this moment, Qiao Nian's phone lit up.

She picked up the phone and hung up.

Then he got up and said to Zhou Zhou, "I will report at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, right?"

"Well, eight o'clock." Zhou Zhou nodded.

Qiao Nian picked up the bag she put on the chair beside her, "Okay, I'll be there at eight o'clock tomorrow."

"I have something to do today, let's go first."

Zhou Zhou didn't have time to ask her out for dinner, so he could only watch Qiao Nian leave the coffee shop.

(End of this chapter)

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