Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1944 Sister Nian never thought of wanting Zhang Ji's family!

Chapter 1944 Sister Nian never thought of going back to Ji's house!

Qiao Nian lowered her eyelashes and didn't answer the question directly. She seemed a little irritable. After thinking for a while, she looked at him again, her black and white eyes were clear and transparent: "If my mother's death has something to do with them, whether it's the Ji family or the first Institute, I will probably make them pay the price."

"Even if a human life is insignificant to them, in my eyes, they do not have the right to easily take a human life."

"If they think they are unshakable, I just want to try to shake them."

... If they feel that they are unshakable, I want to try to shake them.

What she meant was very clear.

Once she finds out that Ji Qing's death has something to do with the First Research Institute or the Ji family, she will definitely not let it go.

Ye Wangchuan smiled, a little moved, as if his heart had been hit, and he felt an indescribable feeling: "The blood of the Ji family's direct line has withered, and only you and Ji Nan are left in this generation. Ji Nan has no intention of focusing on nuclear research. They just picked Ji Ziyin to replace you."

"Now that you have returned to Independent Island, you have shown your talent in this area. Your talent is stronger than Ji Ziyin. As long as you are willing to go back to Ji's family, a little Ji Ziyin will not become your stumbling block. In the future, the entire Ji family will It's all yours. Nian Nian, don't you feel moved?"

Ji's family in Independent State... how many families want to curry favor with others.

If Qiao Nian returns to Ji's family, it is conceivable that with her strength, she will definitely become the heir of the family in the future.

Once she takes over Ji's family.

She will have endless power and status.

Most people will be moved.

Qiao Nian was not moved at all, she frowned slightly, not knowing why he mentioned this, her voice was hoarse: "I'm not interested in Ji's family."

Ye Wangchuan understood what she meant: "So you don't plan to go back to Ji's house?"

The Ji family has been looking for her.

Ye Wangchuan knew a little about this matter.

He just asked for her opinion, and by the way, analyzed the pros and cons with her rationally.

Qiao Nian pressed her peaked cap: "I never thought about going back from the beginning. I didn't even know them. Why did I go back to inherit the Ji family and develop the Ji family? To put it bluntly, the Ji family... I'm with you what is the relationship."

The life and death of the Ji family has nothing to do with her.

She had read Ji's family tree, only Ji Qing's name was crossed out, and she could guess that there was an aunt Ji Nan didn't even know much about, and Ji's family didn't recognize the existence of such a person as Ji Qing.

Since the Ji family didn't take them seriously from the beginning to the end, the Ji family needs someone, why should she help.

She really doesn't care about Ji's family.

I just hope that Ji Hongyuan, He Lin, including Ji Ziyin... these Ji family members don't come to provoke her.

Otherwise, she would still be as merciless as today!

"Xie Tingyun is an expert in nuclear magnetic field. Since she gave you the notebook, she probably likes you. You can ask her if you don't understand." Ye Wangchuan turned the car key, started the car, and stopped talking about her. ancestral home.

Qiao Nian hummed, lowered her eyelids to hide the tiredness in her eyes, she seemed a little tired, and leaned lazily on the seat.

Ye Wangchuan looked at her through the rearview mirror and knew that she didn't care about her, so he knew that she didn't intend to trouble Xie Tingyun.

With a helpless expression, he closed the car windows, turned on the air conditioner in the car, and whispered to the girl, "I don't know much about this, but I know a little bit. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

Qiao Nian glanced at him, but didn't ask him if he had ever stayed in the First Research Institute, and said 'uh', which was his agreement.

The car drove away slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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