Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1945 Xu Yi: Did you write these yourself?

Chapter 1945 Xu Yi: Did you write these yourself?
The group assessment time in December is imminent.

The progress of the other 9 groups is good, only Shen Qingfeng's 10th group has not progressed smoothly from the beginning, almost stuck there...

It seemed that the group exam was less than half a month away.

Qiao Nian asked for materials from Shen Qingfeng the next day, and retreated at home for a whole day to sort out the data and preliminary work that Shen Qingfeng and the three of them had done before.After sorting out all the complicated data in their hands, they came up with a new direction.

The next day, she took a stack of documents that she had sorted out all night and went to the research institute, found Shen Qingfeng, Xue Zhu and Xu Yi, and sent them the three documents she had printed out for them to read first.

Shen Qingfeng and Xue Zhu are fine.

The two of them had dinner with Qiao Nian the day before yesterday, and after what happened in Guanhai Pavilion, they somehow realized that Qiao Nian was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

When the two got their things, they found a place to sit and looked first.

Only Xu Yi didn't go that day.

After he got the thick stack of materials Qiao Nian gave him, he didn't look through them directly like Shen Qingfeng and Xue Zhu.

Instead, he took off the transparent laboratory mask covering his face, frowned heroically, lifted it up impatiently, leaned against the laboratory table, and asked, "What is this?"

"I sorted out the experimental data and some new directions." Qiao Nian went to the side and poured himself a glass of water, lazily pulled out the chair and sat down, holding the water in his hand, and looked at him with raised eyebrows: "The three servings are all the same Yes, take a look first and then talk."

Xu Yi immediately felt that what she said was ridiculous.

What new experimental direction.

She is a newcomer, and she has never been exposed to experiments in the system before, so she probably doesn't even know what the direction of the experiment is!
Although Xu Yi didn't think so, Xue Zhu and Shen Qingfeng both gave the girls face, so he shouldn't be too harsh, so as not to be misunderstood that he bullied the new members of the group.

"I see."

"I'll take a look."

Xu Yi opened the document in his hand expressionlessly, and looked down.

He didn't pay attention to look at it at first, and planned to flip through it casually.

Unexpectedly, after he opened the things Qiao read to him, he found that the above experimental data were well-organized and well-organized, and some handwritten parts were also flying and flying.

Many of their things before can be found at a glance on the above, and the girls also summarized some of their previous data, marking the places that may have errors in red, and the blue is the controversial place where you can try again...

Xu Yi couldn't help but become serious.

He no longer leaned casually by the side of the experiment. When he saw some of the data marked on it, his expression froze. He quickly found the computer, called up the records of the previous experiment and compared them one by one. What he found was that their experiment did exist. Vulnerabilities lead to biased transfer of data.

Once, twice, three times, every time.

He had to overthrow the prejudice in his heart and treat the information in his hand with a serious attitude.

Two hours have passed.

Xu Yi was the first to read it.

He leaned on the back of the chair, he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, and he was still immersed in the new direction proposed by Qiao Nian.

It seemed that in the previous two hours, he had conducted a hearty experiment following the girl's data.

"Did you write these yourself?" Xu Yi was distracted for a while, then asked the girl eagerly with the documents in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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