Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1988 Sister Nian Has Never Bid

Chapter 1988 Sister Nian Has Never Bid

Small forces also join in the fun.

It depends on your luck, in case you find something cheap.

The people in the underground auction today received the news very early that the three major families all gathered in their auction.

Needless to say, the Ji family and the Xie family.

Both are relatively active in Independence.

Especially the Ji family.

Extremely keen to show up at auctions and the like.

Although the Xie family doesn't come every time, they often visit the underground auction house.

Only the Nan family god has been in hiding for nearly 20 years, and rarely shows up in public. This time, Nan Tianyi actually came over in person.

Not to mention that other well-informed people in the auction house heard about it and were guessing what Nan Tianyi liked this time.

Even the insiders of the auction house were curious about what attracted so many big shots to participate in the auction this time.

Soon, the auction will begin.

Regardless of whether it is the capital city, the illegal area, or the independent state, the auctions in all places have the same format regardless of their size.

Professional auctioneers are responsible for displaying the collection, and then there is a round of bidding, and the person with the highest price takes the collection.

In the beginning, the Independent Island Underground Auction auctioned some of the more common collections, such as diamonds, jewelry and antiques.

Almost no one in several boxes participated in the bidding.

All the people from the lower powers participated in the auction, and the price they gave was not high, just to have fun and liven up the atmosphere.

Everyone thought that the guests in the main boxes of the underground auction house would only make a move when it was the finale.

After all, I often encountered such a situation in the past. These bigwigs would not participate in the auction of some small gadgets in front of them. They would not start bidding until the last few masterpieces came out, and they did not speak before.

Who knows, this time is an exception!

The auction went to the fifth round, and it was the collection of a small family that Ye Wangchuan said-meat Ganoderma lucidum.

After the Ganoderma lucidum was brought up, the auctioneer introduced it to everyone routinely, and then the auction began.

"The starting price for this meaty Ganoderma lucidum is 200 million, and each increase must be greater than 10." The auctioneer first agreed on the reserve price and rules.

The auction begins below.

"210 million." A round-faced man casually called out a price.


Then another woman in her forties raised the auction number and added 10.

Because Ganoderma lucidum is similar to collections such as diamonds and antiques, in the eyes of these people in Independent Continent, they are all things that are better than nothing.

Most of the people who participated in the auction bought it back and kept it for storage, and they increased the price just in case they needed it.

Everyone's price is not high.

The auctioneer said 10 a time, but most people just add 10 to the original price.

There is an attitude of taking pictures if you can, and it doesn't matter if you can't.



Seeing that the price was gradually raised above 300 million, the number of people holding signs in the audience gradually decreased, and many people began to think that it would not be worthwhile to increase the price.


In the private room, Nan Tianyi has been paying close attention to the auctions outside, seeing that the number of people raising prices is gradually decreasing, and there is a tendency to close the deal.

His heart tightened, he turned around, and looked at the girl anxiously and puzzled: "Nian Nian, why haven't you offered the price yet?"

Before the auction started, Qiao Nian had agreed that he would hand over the purchase of the Ganoderma lucidum to her, and Nan Tianyi believed her wholeheartedly.

(End of this chapter)

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