Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1989 The Ji Family Offered 500 Million, Nian Sister Offered 1 Million

Chapter 1989 The Ji Family Offered 500 Million, Sister Nian Offered [-] Million
So Nan Tianyi handed over this matter to her, and he did not participate in the following auction.

But seeing that the rare medicinal materials he bought for Xie Tingyun were about to fall into the hands of others, Nan Tianyi felt anxious no matter how much he believed in Qiao Nian.

"Wait a little longer." The old god Qiao Nian was there, crossed his legs, took a sip of a glass of water, and seemed not in a hurry.

Even Qin Si couldn't figure out what was going on in her heart.

Only Ye Wangchuan looked at her, and then at the bidders outside, he didn't know what he thought of, he curled up his thin lips, and he was also calm and relaxed, sitting lazily on the sofa, paying close attention to the changes in the situation outside.

Nan Tianyi hesitated to speak.

He also looked at Qiao Nian and then turned his head to look outside, his tiger eyes were really anxious.


It's been a long time since there was 310 million outside, and the auctioneers have all come back, and it seems that they are going to finalize the sale.

Nan Tianyi's heart was beating like a drum, and he almost couldn't help himself to bid.

at this time.

An old voice broke in.


Qiao Nian kept drinking water intermittently until she heard Ji Hongyuan's voice interjected. She curled her red lips, put down the glass, and said in a low voice, "Isn't this here?"

There was an uproar in the audience.

"It's over there in Box 3."

"The price for Box 3 is 500 million?"

"Who is in Box No. 3?"

The people who were able to come to the underground auction had some background in Independence Island, and they quickly found out the identity of the person in box 3.

Ji family.

Ji Hongyuan.

Ji Hongyuan is no ordinary person, he is higher in seniority and status than Ji Xiao and Ji Ziyin, and he even came to the underground auction in person today!


In Qiao Nian's box, Nan Tianyi also figured out who was the one who paid 500 million before.

He couldn't help frowning, and asked without knowing, "Ji's family? What does Ji's family want meat ganoderma for?"

He didn't know what Ji Hongyuan wanted to do.

But he came here today for the Ganoderma lucidum, and whoever participated in the bidding has little effect on him.

It's just that Ji Hongyuan opened his mouth for 500 million, and no one will bid with him below.

Nan Tianyi turned his head, just about to tell Qiao Nian that it was almost time to bid.

This time he didn't rush.

The girl slowly picked up the auction board and gave a price.

"One hundred million."

"Pfft!" Qin Si was drinking water at first, but when he heard her price increase, he spit out water straight away, choking until tears came out, and kept coughing: "Ahem, Qiao, sister Qiao, you Are you sure you didn't say an extra zero?"

1000 million and [-] million are just one more zero written on the check.

But what he said with his mouth was missing a word!

Ordinarily, no normal person can make a mistake.

But when someone offered 500 million, she countered with [-] million? ? ? ? ?

This TM, is it so big to play!

Sure enough, everyone below the auction house was stunned.

No one has ever seen such a play in the auction house.

"One hundred million?"

"I'm going, did I hear wrongly, is it [-] million?"

"Is it really a billion?"

Everyone was just surprised by the people in box 3 participating in the auction so early, but now they are no longer surprised, but shocked!
After the shock, everyone was asking who was in the No. 4 box.

After asking around, I quickly found out the identity of the person in the No. 4 box—the Nan family!
Nan Tianyi.

All the people who came to participate in the underground auction today were stunned. No one thought that a Ganoderma lucidum that was being auctioned in front of them would attract two giants to compete for it.

And looking at this posture, it doesn't look like harmony.

(End of this chapter)

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