Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2025 Do you know what this place is?

Chapter 2025 Do you know what this place is?

After half an hour.

In the small lab of Team 10.

Xue Zhu and Shen Qingfeng stared intently at the girl sitting at the conference table where they were discussing. There was a black laptop in front of the girl.

The casing of the computer looks a little old, and the edges are worn white. It seems to be an old-fashioned computer.

At least Shen Qingfeng felt this way when he first saw the laptop that Qiao Nian took out from his shoulder bag.

But when he stood behind the girl and witnessed with his own eyes that the computer, which was about to be scrapped in his eyes, turned on in seconds and ran extremely fast, he no longer had the previous thoughts.

After Qiao Nian turned on the computer, she didn't waste any time and immediately called up a location search system.

Xue Zhu and Shen Qingfeng saw her hands flying over the keyboard, blinking her eyes quickly, and soon, a series of codes poured out under her fingertips, extremely smooth...

Amazingly fast.

"Qiao Nian, do you know how to use computers?" Xue Zhu stood behind the girl, and she couldn't help asking curiously until Qiao Nian pressed the Enter key and left her hands from the keyboard.

"I see that you write code very fast. Have you ever studied computer?" Xue Zhu was puzzled, and she was really curious: "By the way, you were still in college before you came to Independent Island, right? What major did you study? No Will it happen to be a computer major?"

If Qiao Nian University majored in computer science and was admitted to the First Research Institute to specialize in black powder and weapon manufacturing, it would be really amazing.

Who knew that the girl stretched her body, relaxed her shoulders and leaned back, her brows and eyes were casual: "Chinese medicine."

Xue Zhu: "?"

She didn't react for a moment, thinking that she had heard it wrong: "What?"

Qiao Nian raised her head lazily: "I major in Chinese medicine and minor in music."

"..." Xue Zhu was completely speechless.

She herself thought that computer science had nothing to do with black powder and weapon manufacturing, and when she heard Qiao Nian say that she studied Chinese medicine and music, she was completely confused and her mind went blank.I can't even imagine the relationship between the three!
Doctors with musical literacy are now engaged in black powder manufacturing?

This is so... unbelievable!
She thought that at least what Qiao studied in college had something to do with black powder, but now it seems that she was thinking too much.

"Qiao Nian, did you find out where Xu Yi is?" Shen Qingfeng didn't care about their random chat, and was even more nervous about Xu Yi's side.

He didn't want to put too much pressure on the girl, but he couldn't control his anxiety, so he leaned forward and asked a question.

Qiao Nian stared at the computer screen, a string of green codes was being searched, and the progress bar had reached 50.00%.

She was extremely relaxed, without too much pressure, and said to Shen Qingfeng: "Give me another 5 minutes."

She estimated the speed of pulling the progress bar, and 5 minutes was just right.

Shen Qingfeng didn't see her adjusting the surveillance video at the entrance of the First Research Institute, only saw Qiao Nian operating on the computer, and didn't know how she checked Xu Yi's location.

Fortunately, 5 minutes was not long, so he settled down and waited patiently for the time to pass by.

5 minutes is up in no time.

The scrolling progress bar on Qiao Nian's computer also loaded to 100%. She leaned back in the chair and pressed the Enter key with one hand.

A complete map of Independence Continent appeared on the computer.

There is a red dot on the map, and a string of data pops up on it.

Qiao Nian enlarged the red dot, turned to ask Shen Qingfeng and the others: "Do you know where this is?"

(End of this chapter)

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