Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2026 Always leave one person to go to the level 1 laboratory

Chapter 2026 Always leave one person to go to the level 8 laboratory
"Let me see."

Shen Qingfeng approached and took a closer look.

The map of Independent Continent on Qiao Nian's computer is very complete and clear, every street is clearly marked, but anyone who lives in Independent Continent can easily determine the exact location of the red dot.

"This is..." Shen Qingfeng looked left and right, and recognized it: "This seems to be the Intercontinental Hotel?",

He wasn't sure, so he called Xue Zhu over to have a look together: "Xue Zhu, can you see if this place is the Intercontinental Hotel?"

"Immediately." Xue Zhu also approached and leaned forward to identify it carefully. Immediately, Liu Ye frowned slightly, raised her head, and said with certainty: "It's the Intercontinental Hotel."

Qiao Nian straightened the notebook and pulled it back in front of her: "Xu Yi is right here."

It took Xue Zhu a long time to come back to his senses, with a look of incredulity on his face: "Why doesn't he come to the research institute and go to the Intercontinental Hotel?"

"I don't know." Qiao Nian reopened a programmer and started coding: "Just look it up!"

How to check?
Xue Zhu and Shen Qingfeng soon knew what she meant by Cha.

Without shyness, Qiao Nian hacked into the security system of the Independent Continental Intercontinental Hotel in front of them, and checked Xu Yi's room opening records!
Girls are skilled in doing things, they are familiar with the road, and they are veterans at first glance.

Now Xue Zhu and Shen Qingfeng couldn't keep their mouths together.

In addition to the services that a general hotel should have, the Intercontinental Hotel in Independent Continent also has a large underground auction house.

The level of security system is not low!

People in the Hacking League can't just hack into it.

Xue Zhu and Shen Qingfeng watched as Qiao Nian hacked into the backstage of the Intercontinental Hotel without saying a word, and couldn't help worrying.

"Qiao Nian, you... don't be too impulsive, we all know that Xu Yi is at the Intercontinental Hotel, let's discuss it again to see if there is any other way to ask him the room number. You hacked in like this , in case you get caught..."

Before he finished speaking, the girl raised her eyelids lazily, and looked at him with a pair of clear black eyes, very arrogantly: "I won't be caught."

Shen Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, before he had time to persuade him.

He saw the girl with her straight and long legs bent, her half-closed eyes were sleepy, and he said indifferently, "Don't worry, they can't catch me."

While the two were talking, Qiao Nian had already found out Xu Yi's room number.


Qiao Nian closed the laptop, turned to the two and said, "He's in room 3303 of the Intercontinental Hotel, you stay here, I'll go and have a look."

"No." Shen Qingfeng was the first to react, disagreed, and said with a serious face: "It's too dangerous for you to go there alone, I'll go with you."

Qiao Nian raised his brows, and originally wanted to say that there was no need to bother, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the fake worry on his face, moved his lips, but did not say any words of rejection after all.

"Okay, you go with me."

But she didn't want to bring another person with her, so she said calmly to Xue Zhu, "We'll go to the Intercontinental Hotel to find someone, and you should report to the eighth-level laboratory first."

"I..." Xue Zhu disagreed with this arrangement, and just wanted to fight for herself to go with her.

Shen Qingfeng immediately pressed her shoulders, understanding why Qiao Nian asked Xue Zhu to report to the 8th-level laboratory first: "You just listen to Qiao Nian's arrangement. We had a bad fight with people from the 8th-level laboratory yesterday, and today we only have one No one is going, it is inevitable that some of them will gossip, you go first, and you can also represent our group."

(End of this chapter)

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