Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2027 Sister Nian: I Hacked the Security System

Chapter 2027 Sister Nian: I Hacked the Security System
Xue Zhu originally looked unwilling, but when he heard this, he was discouraged and didn't insist anymore. He nodded: "I see, I will explain it clearly to Brother Cao and the others."

She is not stupid either.

She would not tell Cao Yanhua and the people in the level 8 laboratory that Xu Yi had disappeared, so she just found a reason to ask for leave for Qiao Nian and the others.

Shen Qingfeng has been in her team for almost four years, and knows that Xue Zhu is better than him and Xu Yi in terms of interpersonal communication, but Xue Zhu usually doesn't care about everything, and doesn't want to get involved in the disputes of the major forces in the research institute That's why he behaved mediocrely in the research institute.

At this moment, seeing that Xue Zhu immediately understood what he meant, and no longer struggled with whether to follow him, he also felt relieved.

Shen Qingfeng patted Xue Zhu's shoulder lightly, silently soothing her emotions.Then he turned around and walked towards the girl with a solemn and serious face: "Qiao Nian, let's go."

At this moment, Qiao Nian had already stuffed the laptop into the shoulder bag, zipped it up unhurriedly, and then let out an 'um'.

She packed her things, took them and told Xue Zhu, and went to the Intercontinental Hotel with Shen Qingfeng to find someone.

When Qiao Nian and Shen Qingfeng arrived at the Intercontinental Hotel, it was exactly ten o'clock in the morning, and there were people coming and going in the hotel lobby, people from various forces gathered here.

Shen Qingfeng seldom came to such occasions, and he was a little unaccustomed to walking in a restrained manner. Even so, he still tried his best to follow Qiao Nian, silently acting as a 'protector'.

On the contrary, Qiao Nian had long been used to such occasions, and she didn't have any special reaction. She entered the hotel lobby with Shen Qingfeng, and went straight to the elevator.

Shen Qingfeng originally wanted to go to the front desk to check in first, and get the room card before he could use the elevator. Who knew that he didn't mean to go to the front desk when he saw a girl.

He thought Joe couldn't understand the management of the Intercontinental Hotel.

Three steps and two steps to catch up.

"Qiao Nian, we need to get a card first. Intercontinental elevators must be swiped with their room card before they can be used."

Before he finished speaking, an extra card appeared in the girl's hand, it was an inconspicuous black magnetic card, Shen Qingfeng couldn't see why.

Qiao Nian shook the magnetic card in his hand, and said in a low voice: "When I hacked into their system, I added a few small programs. With this, you can also swipe the card to take the elevator."

As soon as these words came out, Shen Qingfeng couldn't react at all.

When Qiao Nian easily hacked into the backstage of the hotel, he was already very surprised. He didn't even dare to think that Qiao Nian changed the security system of the Intercontinental Hotel.


Ordinary people can't do this, can they?

Not only ordinary people can't do it, Shen Qingfeng even thinks that people from the Hacking League may not be able to do what she did.

Qiao Nian ignored him, strode to the front of the elevator, and pressed the up button.

Shen Qingfeng had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart, and followed her footsteps.

Soon the elevator came down.

Qiao Nian entered the elevator and swiped the magnetic card casually. Shen Qingfeng was afraid that the alarm system in the elevator would sound.

Who knows that nothing happened, everything was extremely peaceful.

He just watched the girl casually press down the floor number, and the elevator began to ascend.

Shen Qingfeng's mood kept going up as the elevator went up, and he was not in the mood to delve into why Qiao Nian's computer technology was so powerful. With a sullen face, he looked at the number of floors displayed on the elevator from time to time.

The elevator quickly stopped on the 33rd floor.

This floor is a relatively ordinary standard room in the InterContinental Hotel, and ordinary room cards can be swiped up.

(End of this chapter)

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