Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2032 Who said the newcomer is a poor little boy?

Chapter 2032 Who said the newcomer is a poor little boy?

It didn't take long for Qiao Nian to find out the location of Xu's mother. She put the notebook aside and sent a message to Mo Xi, whom she added earlier.

By the way, give him a screenshot of the positioning information.

Then he raised his head, put away the phone, and said calmly to the vicissitudes of Xu Yi: "I have asked a friend to find your aunt for you, don't worry, he will tell me when he finds someone."

While Qiao Nian was talking, Moxi had already called to ask about her location, Qiao Nian briefly explained to him.

Moxi agreed to help find someone without saying a word.

After Qiao Nian finished answering his call, he turned back and put the notebook back.

Xu Yi looked at everything in front of him, and finally couldn't help but said: "My... my father has a certain influence in Independent Island, and he has the support of Xie's family behind him. Qiao Nian, your friend..."

The girl turned her head to listen to him seriously, and when she heard this, she raised her lips and replied to him: "Oh, my friends and they are from Yaomen."

"Yaomen?!" Shen Qingfeng felt that he was broadening his horizons this morning, and he never thought that Qiao Nian could be related to Yaomen.

It's not all rumors outside that the newcomers who enter the research institute are not from their independent continent, they don't have anything to ask for, they have no background and connections, they are just a poor kid.


They looked at the poor 'newcomers' who were excluded at the beginning, and in a blink of an eye, there was a friend of the head of the third-level laboratory on the left, and a friend of Yaomen on the right.

Shen Qingfeng and Xu Yi looked at each other, they both saw surprise and confusion in each other's eyes, they couldn't recover.

Moreover, Shen Qingfeng had seen Qiao Nian fight against people from Ji's family outside before, and Ji Xiao's reaction clearly knew Qiao Nian.

In other words, Qiao Nian is still related to Ji's family.

This... If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, even if they got it to the First Research Institute, who would believe that there is such a great energy behind a newcomer?

Moxi was very efficient.

In less than an hour, he sent a video of Xu Yi's mother reporting her safety.

He also sent an address.

After Qiao Nian showed Xu Yi the video, she told Xue Zhu who was still in the First Research Institute to tell Shen Qingfeng to go back first, and she took Xu Yi to find Xu's mother first.

Moxi sent Xu's mother to a coffee shop in the city center and waited for them to come. Qiao Nian brought Xu Yi over there. Xu's mother was holding hot coffee in both hands and was a little restless. Seeing that her son was safe and sound, she immediately He ran over, hugged his son, looked him up and down, and burst into tears.

"Xiaoyi, are you okay, as long as you are okay, as long as you are okay."

Xu Yi comforted her, and seeing Xu's mother's mood gradually stabilized, he took his mother over to thank Moxi with a little haggard.

"This, this friend, thank you this time, I will never forget your kindness, please feel free to ask me anything that is useful to me in the future."

Moxi knew that he was Qiao Nian's friend, so he didn't dare to trust him at all, so he quickly helped him up, and said straightforwardly: "I am working for Miss Qiao, so you don't have to be polite to me. If you want to thank me, thank Qiao Miss."

Xu Yi's eyes moved slightly, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the girl, just about to speak.

Qiao Nian sat leaning there, and said first, "I'm just doing a little favor, you can take your aunt home first."

Xu Yi took a deep look at her, nodded, thanked Moxi again, and took his mother home first.

His mother was terrified this time too, she didn't close her eyes for almost a day and a night, he had to take care of Xu's mother who was frightened this time even if he didn't care about himself.

As for Qiao Nian's kindness this time, he only silently remembered it in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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