Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2033 Sister Nian: Accompany me to a place

Chapter 2033 Sister Nian: Accompany me to a place

Xu Yi left.

Moxi ordered a glass of water for the girl very politely.

The clerk in the coffee shop quickly brought over the lemonade with ice cubes. When he saw Qiao Nian's appearance, he couldn't help being stunned for a second.

This girl is so pretty too!

At this moment, Qiao Nian raised her eyelids and looked in her direction. She just glanced at her casually. The female clerk of the coffee shop blushed suddenly, put down the drink in a hurry, said in a weak voice, and hurried away with the drink tray. , didn't dare to look at Qiao Nian.

"Miss Qiao, you are too..." Moxi couldn't help sighing after seeing this scene.

"Huh?" Qiao Nian held up the drink in her hand. It was cold, so she didn't take a sip. Hearing this, she looked lazily in his direction.

Obviously didn't get his point.

Moxi was speechless.

He originally wanted to say that Qiao Nian was too attractive, but he has a high EQ and knows how to behave better than Mo Dong. Before he spoke, he thought his words were too ambiguous. She tactfully swallowed the evaluation of "recruiting people" back to her stomach.

"No, it's nothing, I'll just say it casually." Compared with Mo Dong, Mo Xi has a more elegant and friendly temperament.

He himself is also in a suit and leather shoes, but compared to Mo Dong's undisguised bloody charisma, Mo Xi is more like a refined businessman.

He looks like a particular person when he talks and behaves.

Qiao Nian didn't know him very well, so she didn't pay much attention to what he just wanted to say.

Her apricot eyes lowered slightly, her white fingers tapped on the drink cup, she suddenly raised her head and said to him, "Accompany me somewhere later?"

"Eh?" Moxi was obviously taken aback, looked at her, and asked respectfully, "Miss Qiao, where do you want to go?"

Qiao Nian took a sip of his drink, put the cup back, then picked up his shoulder bag and put it on his shoulder, and said the name of the place calmly.

"Ji's family."

The Ji family's old house is located on the hillside, and it is a quaint manor with a very Gothic style.

The appearance and architecture of the manor are very majestic, covering a large area and almost completely enclosing the mountainside on which the manor is backed.

The appearance of the manor looks mainly in the European Gothic style, but there is something hidden inside.

Small bridges and flowing water of Chinese-style garden-style buildings can be seen everywhere in the manor. The wooden corridors in the courtyard extend across the garden and can directly reach the living room of the old house.

He Lin was the first to know that Qiao Nian had come to the old house.

"Who do you think is coming to visit?" He widened his eyes in disbelief, staring at the young man who came to report in front of him.

At first I thought I had heard wrong.

"You said small..."

He almost slipped the tongue, but he reacted very quickly and immediately changed his words: "You said Miss Qiao came to visit?"

He Lin was really puzzled by Qiao Nian's actions. He tried his best to invite Qiao Nian to come, but Qiao Nian had never been to Ji's house.

Well, the person who has been reluctant to come is here again?
"Yes, she came with the people from Yaomen, and said she came to get something."

After all, He Lin was Ji Lingfeng's right-hand man, so he didn't panic when things happened, and immediately ordered the little guy to lead him to the living room.

He hurried to find Ji Lingfeng.

After half an hour.

Qiao Nian and Moxi were already sitting in the living room of Ji's family. The servants of Ji's family made them two cups of tea and brought them out.

Moxi saw that the girl was just as if she was at his own home. He picked up the teacup very calmly, lowered his eyes, and took a sip casually.

(End of this chapter)

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