Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2062 Are you afraid of offending the Xie family behind her?

Chapter 2062 Are you afraid of offending the Xie family behind her?
The girl didn't move at all, and she didn't seem to be affected by her: "I don't know that everyone goes through the back door like me, but in the first research institute, there is a difference between a person's identity background and the back door? Do you dare to say that you can only rely on you to enter the level 8 laboratory?" Your ability? Has nothing to do with your last name?"

What she said was foolish, as if she was just asking casually.

Xie Xinyao's expression suddenly changed, and two icicle-like eyes shot at Qiao Nian, wishing to poke her out.

"Qiao Nian, do you know what you're talking about?" After she was furious, her usual strong face withdrew her previous expression of exasperation, showing a mocking expression, as if she was watching a joke about ants shaking elephants: "You think How many people do you know, find the dean to intercede for you personally, and enter the level 8 laboratory, so you can run rampant in Independent Island?"

"You better remember what you just said, you'll regret it!"

As for why Qiao Nian regretted it.

Xie Xinyao didn't say it clearly.

But their quarrel was seen by everyone in the level 8 laboratory.

Xie Xinyao clearly used the power of the three major families in the Independent Continent to warn and threaten Qiao Nian!
Cao Yanhua just wanted to smooth things over in the middle.

Xie Xinyao put on an attitude of refusing to reconcile, and quickly picked up the folder that fell on the experimental table, turned around and left: "I'll go and hand over the experimental data to the instructor."

"Thank you, junior sister..."

Cao Yanhua's outstretched hand caught nothing, and he could only watch her go away.

As soon as Xie Xinyao left, the other people in the level 8 laboratory didn't dare to come over to congratulate Qiao Nian. They quickly found work for themselves, and pushed Qiao Nian out of their small circle invisibly.

Only Han Cheng came over and said to the girl with a smile, "Congratulations."

Qiao Nian pushed down her peaked cap, her eyes were cold and dry: "Thank you."

Seeing how cool she looked, Han Cheng couldn't help asking her, "Aren't you afraid of offending the Xie family behind her?"

Who is she referring to.

it goes without saying.

Qiao Nian shrugged her shoulders quite indifferently, and said: "Anyway, I have already offended one family, and there is not much more. What's more, what I said is all the truth."



Han Cheng was speechless.

The First Research Institute is indeed not as glamorous and fair as it appears on the surface. In this independent continent's first institution, there are phenomena of injustice and exclusion everywhere.

Children from families like Xie Xinyao and Ji Ziyin who are backed by big trees have many more opportunities than ordinary people.

Including Xie Xinyao's entry into the 8th-level laboratory, it is true that it is not entirely based on strength.

Her ability to enter the level 8 laboratory has something to do with the family behind her.

But this time Xie Xinyao acted extremely repulsive and angry when it came to Qiao Nian. Han Cheng knew in his heart that Xie Xinyao's anger was not only due to Qiao Nian being airborne, but also because their privileges had been broken.

There are people who use privilege to a greater degree than they do.

This is the key point of Xie Xinyao's anger.

Han Cheng's eyes fell on the girl, and he softened a lot. He just said: "The power of the three major families in Independence Island is deeply rooted. If you offend her, you will easily lose money. Be careful."

Qiao Nian didn't expect that he would kindly remind herself to this point, she nodded slightly, and gave a gracious gesture, which was regarded as an acknowledgment.

Cao Yanhua also reacted at this moment, frowned, his dark face was full of seriousness, and told Qiao Nian: "Qiao Nian, follow me behind you, I will try my best to help you block her."

(End of this chapter)

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