Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2063 It turns out that Master Wang paved everything behind his back

Chapter 2063 It turns out that Master Wang paved everything behind

"The instructor asked you to join the semiconductor project. No matter how noisy she is, she will not dare to disobey the instructor's wishes. You don't have to worry too much." He was afraid that Qiao Nian would be worried, so he comforted her intimately.

Qiao Nian never worried about what Xie Xinyao could do, she just never thought that Cao Yanhua and Han Cheng would stand by her side.

She answered.

Just in time, my cell phone rang.

Qiao Nian took the excuse of replying to the message and stepped aside temporarily.

She took out her phone and looked down.

It's Feng Yu.

Feng Yu still sent her a message through the group chat, with a short sentence—[Qing Qingzijin: Sun, do you still know Master Cheng and Ye? 】

Qiao Nian became more suspicious, pursed her lower lip, and edited the message back to him with both hands.


Feng Yu's news came again.

[Qingqing Zijin: Shi Fu came to me at noon and said that he had received a letter of recommendation, Master Cheng and Ye Xiang jointly recommended you to him. 】

Qiao Nian leaned against the wall, half-closed his eyes, and saw the last half of Feng Yu's message, "Ye is his most proud student ever, Shi Fu said that Ye rarely mentioned anyone to him, since Ye and He's writing to recommend you, he wants to get a good look at your potential'.

Qiao Nian slowly put away the phone, and lowered her eyelashes.

She already knew why Shi Fu suddenly changed his mind.

It was Ye Wangchuan.

Ye Wangchuan went to find Shi Fu, and gave Shi Fu a letter of recommendation written by Master Cheng together with him.

This made Shi Fu change his mind midway.

Qiao Nian's fingertips were obviously cold, but there was a faint throbbing in his heart like a prairie fire.

She covered her eyelashes and outlined the corners of her lower lip. She had never tried to rely on others before, but it seemed that it felt good to lean on once in a while!
In the following week, Qiao Nian began to study with Shi Fu.

Shifu is very busy.

He often needs to deal with some trivial matters other than experiments, so once he enters the laboratory, he always devotes himself to it with little distraction.

He promised to take Qiao Nian, and it was indeed as he said, basically he just let Qiao Nian watch him operate, and rarely gave Qiao Nian a chance to do it.

It seems that whether Qiao Nian understands it or not, he is not responsible.

Cao Yanhua is relatively friendly.

Every time Shi Fu took the two of them to complete an experiment, Cao Yanhua would take the opportunity of letting Qiao Nian record the experimental data to briefly review with her the steps of the experiment that Shi Fu had just done, as well as the professional fields involved. knowledge points.

Shi Fu did all experiments with a difficulty level of 8.

At the beginning, Cao Yanhua was worried that Qiao Nian might not be able to learn anything just by watching.

However, what surprised him was that Qiao Nian was extremely talented in this area. Basically, he sorted out the girl once, and the girl could grasp the key points and record it completely.

After coming and going, Cao Yanhua and Qiao Nian cooperated more and more tacitly.

He started to hand over some simple chores to Qiao Nian.

Anyway, he himself was watching from the sidelines. If Qiao Nian did not do well, he could correct it right away without delaying Shi Fu's experiment.

Because Qiao Nian wanted to keep up with Shi Fu's progress, and Shi Fu didn't follow the normal process of leading her disciples, so even if she had extraordinary talents in weapon manufacturing and black powder, she had to keep up with two Qiao Nian also needs to devote himself to the progress of a person, spending more time and energy than ordinary people.

This week, she basically left early and returned late.

(End of this chapter)

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