Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2082 I Didn't Come To You To Hear What You Said

Chapter 2082 I Didn't Come To You To Hear What You Said

"En." Ji Hongyuan is used to being strong, even at this moment he is extremely strong: "You find a reason to come back, I will wait for you in the box of Guanhai Pavilion, and I have something to tell you."

Ji Ziyin didn't want to agree directly. After all, the person Ji Hongyuan offended this time was Ji Lingfeng, and she was able to get to where she is today thanks to Ji Lingfeng's support.

Ji Hongyuan is of course very important to her, but if he wants to offend Ji Lingfeng because of this, the loss outweighs the gain.

She just opened her mouth and said, "I..."

Before he could finish speaking, the person on the other end of the phone had already hung up.

Ji Ziyin slowly took the phone away, looked down at the phone she had hung up, with a very ugly expression on her face.She hesitated again and again, and went to Gu Hengbo to ask for leave.


After half an hour.

Ji's black Mercedes-Benz stopped at the entrance of Guanhai Pavilion, and the driver turned around from the front and said, "Miss Ji, Guanhai Pavilion is here."

Ji Ziyin was thinking about things along the way, and now she noticed that the outside had arrived, she picked up her handbag, opened the door, and got out of the car first.

In order not to be seen, she walked very fast along the way.

After she entered Guanhai Pavilion, a waiter came up to her and asked her. Ji Ziyin also covered her face and lowered her voice as much as possible: "I have an appointment, and my friend is inside."

Seeing what she said, the waiter immediately understood: "Ah, is that Miss Ji? Mr. Ji Hongyuan is already waiting for you inside, please follow me."

Ji Ziyin's eyes flickered, she pursed her lower lip, and followed.

The waiter quickly led her outside a box, stopped, and said to her politely, "Mr. Ji is inside."


Ji Ziyin noticed that there were several Ji's bodyguards around, she took a deep breath, reached out and pushed the door open, and walked in.

The box is in Chinese style, and the interior decoration is very elegant. There are many antique calligraphy and paintings in the whole box, which is antique.

Ji Hongyuan was sitting on a mahogany chair with a pot of tea on hand.

He raised his eyelids, glanced at Ji Ziyin who walked in out of the corner of his eyes, and said lightly, "You're here?"

Ji Ziyin didn't dare to do any presumptuous behavior in front of Ji Hongyuan, she still greeted him in a sensible and obedient manner, and then sat opposite Ji Hongyuan.

Ji Hongyuan casually poured her a cup of tea, the oppression on his body was still there, he picked up the teacup, took a sip, and asked her, "Have you heard about me?"

Ji Ziyin raised her head quickly, and met Ji Hongyuan's old but sharp eyes, she immediately avoided it, and replied very flatteringly: "I heard someone talk about it on the way here, but he didn't talk about it in detail, and I don't know why it happened. Something happened."

It means that she just found out.

After finishing speaking, Ji Ziyin also cared very caringly: "Sixth Elder, are you alright?"

"Hmph." Ji Hongyuan couldn't see through Ji Lingfeng's thoughts with his eyes, but he could see through Ji Ziyin's little thoughts every minute. He immediately sneered and said gloomily, "What can I do."

"..." Ji Ziyin realized that she had said something wrong, so she kept silent.

"My situation is the same as what you heard. From now on, I am no longer the head of the punishment hall, nor one of the elders."

When Ji Ziyin heard him say it with her own ears, she was still shocked. She reacted very quickly, and immediately said a lot of scenes to comfort Ji Hongyuan.

Ji Hongyuan came to her for something, not to chat with her about family affairs, and interrupted her impatiently: "I didn't come here to hear what you said."

(End of this chapter)

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