Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2083 Some people still don't give up!

Chapter 2083 Some people still don't give up!

"Then..." Ji Ziyin felt faintly in his heart what Ji Hongyuan was looking for her for, and his heart beat faster, and he pursed his lips.

"I'm no longer the head of the punishment hall, we have to entrust the future of Yifang to others. Apart from Ji Nan, I'm most optimistic about you!"

"Although Ji Nan is in the direct line, he is also a legitimate heir. It is said that the future of the Ji family should be handed over to him, but he himself does not want to make progress and refuses to enter the research institute. He is still in his thirties and is still doing nothing outside. It's a positive shape. So, of the two of you, I like you more."

Ji Hongyuan spoke very bluntly, and looked at Ji Ziyin with sharp three-white eyes: "The teachers of Ji's family said that you have a talent in black powder that ordinary people don't have, and you also entered the research institute early and studied with Gu Hengbo. .I want to entrust our Yifang's future to you, what do you think?"

Ji Ziyin was taken aback by the question.

If Ji Hongyuan hadn't been expelled from the core members of the Ji family, she would definitely wish for it, but now... Ji Ziyin had to have her own considerations.

She fell silent, looking away at Ji Hongyuan's piercing gaze, and instead of answering immediately, she evaded: "Sixth Elder, you know I haven't thought about this for the time being. I..."

"Oh, you don't want to?" Ji Hongyuan stood up with his hands behind his back, as if he was suppressing his anger, and glared at Ji Ziyin.

In the past, why did he have to talk so much with a junior here.

It's a pity that he is down and out now, and he has to think about the people in his room, so he asked Ji Ziyin.

"It's not that I don't want to, I just..." Ji Ziyin refused to admit that she looked down on others, and was still looking for reasons to shirk.

After all, Ji Hongyuan is an old man, and he could see what she was thinking, so he said immediately: "Didn't you always want to enter a level 8 laboratory? I have a way to let you in."

Ji Ziyin suddenly raised his head and looked at him.

Ji Hongyuan took some time off, and said calmly: "I still have a secret recipe of the Ji family's black powder in my hand, and a notebook, which is the experimental notes left by the Ji family's former genius."

Anyone who used to be in a level 8 laboratory has an experiment notebook.

Xie Tingyun has one.

Of course Ji Qing also has a notebook.

She left Ji's house in a hurry, so the notebook was left in Ji Hongyuan's hands, and Ji Hongyuan never handed it over.

"That experimental notebook is enough to make you the No.1 of the First Research Institute."

Ji Ziyin's heart was already moved, her eyes were earnest, and she was about to speak.

Ji Hongyuan looked at her indifferently, with his hands behind his back, and said, "I can give you these two things. In addition, I promised you to introduce you to meet Feng Yu. This still counts. But I have one condition, unless you can Fulfill this condition, otherwise nothing will be discussed! Whatever I gave you, you can take it back."

Ji Ziyin's heart was already agitated, she pinched the palm of her hand secretly, trying to make herself look calm enough: "What conditions? Sixth Elder, tell me."

Seeing her reaction, Ji Hongyuan knew that he had guessed right.

People like Ji Ziyin seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, as long as he gives her enough benefits, she will be hooked.

"I want you to drive Qiao Nian out of the research institute so that she can't get along in the first research institute!" When Ji Hongyuan said this, he couldn't hide the bloodshed in his tone, his eyes were red, and his teeth were itching with hatred.

He also couldn't do it himself, so he found Ji Ziyin.

Otherwise, how could he swallow this breath.

(End of this chapter)

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