Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2215 I'm sorry, it's not Miss Nian this time

Chapter 2215 I'm sorry, it's not Miss Nian this time
in the hospital.

Ji Ziyin woke up leisurely.

Her eyelashes fluttered, and it took her a long time to realize her situation. The tingling pain from the little finger of her left hand made her even lose the strength to lift her arm.

The corners of Ji Ziyin's eyes were red, and in extreme pain, she wished she could get up and trouble Qiao Nian immediately.

How dare that!

Is Qiao Nian crazy?
Ji Ziyin was gnashing her teeth thinking about how to teach Qiao an unforgettable lesson when the door of the ward opened.

Ji Xiao came in from the outside.

Ji Ziyin forced her elbows to sit up: "The patriarch and the others..."

"They're outside." Ji Xiao walked to her hospital bed and didn't know what to say to her. After helping her up, he avoided Ji Ziyin's sight and said in a deep voice, "You're too impulsive this time! I just told you that she has offended too many people, and the Ji family will not let her come back. You should tell me before you do things... You shouldn't do this kind of thing without telling me, she is a stone in the latrine, you once If you go head-to-head with her for the first time, you will be the only one who suffers!"

Ji Ziyin lowered her eyelashes to hide the emotion in her eyes, and said coldly: "You don't think I did it, do you? I never did it."

Ji Xiao saw that she was still lying to him at this time, his heart sank, and he was a little annoyed immediately: "I found evidence."

Ji Ziyin raised her head abruptly.


How can it be?

She thought that what she did was perfect, and that idiot Xie Xinyao couldn't possibly have evidence of her participation.

As long as Xie Xinyao has no evidence to prove that she participated, then Qiao Nian's behavior is enough to get expelled from the First Research Institute.

Seeing her surprised look, Ji Xiao took another deep breath, looked into her eyes and recounted what happened outside just now.

"Feng Yu told the patriarch that they should be treated equally. The Ji family asked to expel Qiao Nian before, and now the attitude of the First Research Institute is the same, demanding that you be expelled."

Ji Ziyin's heart skipped a beat, and her face turned pale.

Fortunately, Ji Xiao didn't tell her all the bad news: "The patriarch didn't agree."

"Among the younger generation of the Ji family, they can't find anyone else except you. The current choice of the Ji family is to protect you and give up Qiao Nian."


"The Ji family will find a way to keep you." Ji Xiao whispered.

Ji Ziyin breathed a sigh of relief, her whole body became weaker and weaker, and she didn't even have the strength to speak.

She also has to enter the level 8 lab.

Gu Hengbo and Shi Fu are about to talk about it.

It is a certainty that she will enter the level 8 laboratory. What Ji Ziyin cares most about is her chance to enter the level 8 laboratory this time.

At this time, Ji Xiao saw her mobile phone on the bedside ringing.

He walked over and bent down to pick up the phone, glanced at it, and said to Ji Ziyin with a strange expression: "Your teacher is looking for you."

Ji Ziyin had just finished the operation, and the anesthesia had not completely worn off.

She asked Ji Xiao to bring him the phone, and answered Gu Hengbo's call: "Hello, teacher."

Gu Hengbo's voice came from the other end, with a very annoyed tone: "It's too late for you to enter a level 8 laboratory."

Ji Ziyin's heart suddenly loosened, as if she had fallen into an abyss, her whole body couldn't stop shaking.

She didn't know where the strength came from, grabbed the quilt under her body, and asked in a low voice: "Teacher, why?"

Didn't Shi Fu already agree with her to enter the level 8 laboratory?Why can't she enter the level 8 laboratory in the blink of an eye...

A name appeared in Ji Ziyin's mind.

Qiao Nian?

(End of this chapter)

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