Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2216 You compare him to me

Chapter 2216 You compare him to me
She bit her lip, already having a bad premonition in her heart.

Gu Hengbo is not a talkative person, he said coldly: "Someone posted what you did on the Forum of the First Research Institute, which caused a great commotion. The Institute is already preparing to hold a meeting to discuss how to deal with it..."

"Under the current situation, you will definitely not be able to enter a level 8 laboratory. In the future..."

Ji Ziyin's eyes darkened and her eyelashes trembled.


Does she have a future?

Gu Hengbo didn't say anything dead: "In short, let's see the final result of this matter first."

"If the result of this treatment is good, you may enter a level 8 laboratory in the future. If the result is not good..."

Gu Hengbo didn't say anything later.

But Ji Ziyin knew it well.

If this matter is not handled properly, she may not even be able to stay in the research institute!

Ji Ziyin panicked all of a sudden: "Teacher, I..."

Gu Hengbo knew what she wanted to say, and pondered: "I will try my best to protect you. But the impact of this incident is too bad, and the other party has made it so big that everyone in the research institute knows...I will try my best. The result will tell you, you can also think of a way."

"I'm still in the hospital... what can I do..."

Before Ji Ziyin finished speaking, Gu Hengbo simply spread the word out and said, "Actually, anyone with a discerning eye can see that, as long as you have a way to make Qiao Nian not pursue it, this matter can be turned into a minor matter."

Ji Ziyin reacted violently when she thought of the pain she suffered not long ago: "I can't bow to her!"

Gu Hengbo didn't force it: "...This is related to your future and whether you can continue to stay in the research institute, you should think about it yourself!"

"..." Ji Ziyin was still engrossed in the phone call, but Gu Hengbo hung up the phone long ago.

Ji Xiao walked over to take the phone away for her, and said hesitantly: "We have no way out now, your teacher is right, if you want to stay in the institute, you have to bow to her."

Ji Ziyin's face was so pale that it would shatter at the touch of a finger, but there was a stormy wave of resentment and dissatisfaction in his eyes, he raised his eyelids, and looked at him coldly: "Qiao Nian broke one of my fingers, and I have to apologize to her in turn. ? Why should I!"

From childhood to adulthood, she is not from the direct line of the Ji family, but she is the most promising person among the younger generation.

Although she is not as reckless as Ji Nan in Ji's house, she can do whatever she wants, at least she is respectfully called 'Miss Ji' wherever she goes.

When did Ji Ziyin suffer a big loss?
She couldn't swallow this breath!

Her brain was so angry that she was about to explode, her chest was heaving and wheezing, and her watery eyes were filled with cold hatred.

"I can't apologize to her!"

Ji Ziyin spoke quickly and anxiously, leaving the beginning too far, as if she didn't want to listen to Ji Xiao's further persuasion.

Ji Xiao wasn't her parents in the first place, so he didn't have much patience with her.

Seeing that Ji Ziyin still cared about face at this juncture, his gloomy triangular eyes slightly narrowed, and he said impatiently, "I always thought you were a smart person, I don't know why you always get so sad every time you meet Qiao Nian." Don't be angry. It's fine if you don't want to apologize! When the first research institute fires you, the Ji family will definitely train a new person to replace you, you should think it through yourself."

Ji Ziyin's shoulders moved.

Standing beside her hospital bed, Ji Xiao was not in a hurry: "Your talent in black powder is not irreplaceable."

"Among the younger generation of the Ji family, there is Ji Hongfeng."

Ji Ziyin suddenly turned her head and stared at him dangerously: "Are you comparing him to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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