Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2222 You came just in time, we are discussing about you

Chapter 2222 You came just in time, we are discussing about you

"Mrs. Xie, on behalf of the Ji family, I would like to apologize to you... I'm sorry, but the juniors in the family have caused you a lot of trouble this time." Ji Hongyuan said sincerely to Xie's mother, apologizing: "We will bring Ji Ziyin with us someday. Come to the door to apologize to you again."

"...Mr. Ji, you are too serious. It's just children playing around and not paying attention to proportion." Xie's mother answered immediately, with the meaning of turning a big matter into a small matter.

Everyone present is fine.

Ji Hongyuan and Xie's mother put on a show in front of Feng Yu and the others, creating a scene of great reconciliation, setting a stage for both parties to step down.

When they came, Ji Xiao really spoke up, hesitantly following Feng Yu and said: "Dean, you have seen it all, this is a fight between children, our two families have already reconciled in private. side……"

Feng Yu raised his hand to stop him: "Study the rules of all research institutes."

This means... He insisted on the principle that Ji Ziyin must be fired.

Gu Hengbo took a deep breath and stood up: "Dean, I think since we have to deal with it, we will deal with it according to the rules."

"If you insist on expelling Ji Ziyin and Xie Xinyao, what about Qiao Nian? Qiao Nian hurt her colleagues in the research institute in private, how should we deal with this?"

Zhou Zhou shook his hands and snorted coldly on the spot: "Hehe, some people don't even want to lose face for the students under their own name!"

"You!" Gu Hengbo hadn't been scolded by someone pointing his nose, his face was ashen, and he looked at Zhou Zhou immediately.

Zhou Zhou walked directly in front of him, breaking the harmonious atmosphere that Ji Hongyuan and Xie's mother had jointly performed before: "Ji Ziyin and Xie Xinyao are deliberately harming others, but Qiao Nian is just venting his anger on behalf of his elders...the nature of the two is different! Why does Team Leader Gu demand that everyone be treated equally?"

Gu Hengbo's face flushed red: "Then we have to deal with her!"

Zhou Zhou was about to argue with him.

There was a knock on the office door.

The girl's lazy voice came in from outside.

"Can I go in?"

Zhou Zhou and Gu Hengbo stopped arguing immediately, and they looked at the door at the same time.

"S..." Seeing her, Zhou Zhou almost blurted out SUN, but fortunately he held back.

"Come in." Feng Yu knew that Shi Fu had called and that Qiao Nian would come, so he was not surprised to see a girl coming, so he raised his hand to let people in.

Xie Xinyao kept her head buried and said nothing.

When she saw the girl appear, the tiredness and haggardness in her eyes were immediately replaced by resentment, and the palm of her hand was pinched into the flesh.

Xie's mother, Ji Hongyuan, Ji Xiao and the others didn't look very friendly.

Qiao Nian pretended not to see, and walked into the office in front of everyone: "Dean, I'm here."

"Yeah." Feng Yu was not good at showing that he was very familiar with her in front of so many people. He nodded and responded, with the corners of his mouth raised, and his tone was still much warmer: "We are discussing your affairs."

Qiao Nian glanced around the office, saw Xie Xinyao in the corner, and quickly looked away. There was still an irresistible arrogance all over her body.

Ji Hongyuan and the others who looked at her indifferently were so angry that their teeth itch, wishing to break her pride!
But in Feng Yu's office, neither Ji Hongyuan nor Xie's mother dared to be too presumptuous.

They only stared at the girl, as if they wanted to warn the other party not to go too far.

Zhou Zhou lowered his voice and said, "Why are you here?"

Qiao Nian walked to her side, raised her eyelids lazily: "Come and watch the play."

(End of this chapter)

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