Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2223 Confirmed, Ji Ziyin was expelled from the first research institute!

Chapter 2223 Confirmed, Ji Ziyin was expelled from the First Research Institute!
"?" The corner of Zhou Zhou's mouth twitched, and he really wanted to remind her to keep her voice down, in case someone overheard her, be careful of being beaten.

But when she thought about the usual behavior of the boss beside her, Zhou Zhou shut up like a little daughter-in-law.

Before Qiao Nian came, Ji Hongyuan and Xie's mother had been arguing for a long time in front of Feng Yu in the office.

Now that Qiao Nian came over, the two of them fell silent at the same time, and couldn't find anything to say for a while.

Seeing Qiao Nian, He Lin had a lot to say, but the situation in front of him did not allow him to talk to Qiao Nian.

"I heard that the research institute is discussing how to punish me." Just when everyone fell silent, the girl's unhurried voice sounded: "I voluntarily accept any punishment from the research institute. There is only one request—except for me, Those who should be punished should be punished as they should.”

Xie Xinyao raised her head in disbelief, her throat was dry: "Are you crazy?"

Mother Xie's heart skipped a beat, and she panicked immediately: "Dean, this matter..."

Ji Hongyuan, Ji Xiao and Gu Hengbo didn't expect that Qiao Nian came here not to intercede for herself, but to ask the institute to punish her!
Qiao Nianlai's operation was beyond their expectation and completely disrupted their original plan.

Ji Hongyuan came here this time to inquire about the relationship between Feng Yu and Qiao Nian.

Although he didn't understand how Feng Yu and Qiao Nian, who seemed to have nothing to do with each other, got along very well, but he could see that Feng Yu attached great importance to Qiao Nian.

He just wanted to drag Qiao Nian into the water, and wanted Feng Yu to be cautious in dealing with Ji Ziyin, considering Qiao Nian's future, he didn't dare to punish him too severely.

Who knew that Qiao Nian would run over and ask Feng Yu to follow the institute's rules.

Veins bulged on his forehead, his eyes darkened, and he almost died of anger.

——According to the rules of the institute, that is to expel Ji Ziyin!


Feng Yu pondered for a while, raised her eyes, and asked her: "Have you considered it?"

Qiao Nian didn't care, she nodded her chin slightly: "Think about it."

Seeing that she was serious, Feng Yu lowered his head and thought about it for a while. When he raised his head again, a pair of old and wise eyes had already made a decision: "The research institute will expel Ji Ziyin and Xie Xinyao, as for Qiao Nian... confinement for three months. "

"Dean..." Gu Hengbo lost his voice.

Shi Fu looked at him at this time, frowned, and said in a displeased tone, "This is done according to the rules of the research institute. What else are you dissatisfied with? Could it be that you want to kill all three of you?" Apart from?"

Gu Hengbo couldn't answer for a moment when he was asked back.

Feng Yu didn't give other people in the office a chance to intercede, and lightly issued an order to evict the guests: "This matter is settled like this."

"I'm tired, you go back."

If Qiao Nian didn't come this time, Ji Hongyuan and Xie's mother would have to drag her into bargaining with Feng Yu.

It happened that Qiao Nian came.

Also recognize the punishment result.

Instead, they couldn't do anything.

"Let's go, let's go." Shi Fu helped drive people away.

Xie Xinyao was already paralyzed, her pretty face was pale and weak, she was still immersed in the results of Feng Yu's words, she couldn't believe it.

"Mom, I..."

Even if Xie's mother was feeling unwilling at this moment, she could only support her and said in a low voice, "We'll talk about it when we go back."

Before they left, they stopped for a while as they passed by Qiao Nian.

Xie's mother's eyes were suddenly poisonous, and she wanted to eat people. Before leaving, she said tremblingly: "Qiao Nian, you are cruel. Let's wait and see!"

Before Qiao Nian could look at her, she was so frightened that she quickened her pace and pulled Xie Xinyao away.

(End of this chapter)

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